Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Tuesday Telling

 Lady PF looking fur vikhtims ;-)

 Bakhk to more from SUNday - I was beginning to show my frustration with the delay in WALKING - I jump on a chair - fluff up stuff - then jump down - of khourse, I decided to spring just as Mom was going fur a shot - teehee!

 We khonFURred and khonkhured Bernie khould have won -

 After our walk - and after Mom returned from her walk to get the newspaper - we snooooopervised her doing some leaf work - she's SO happy we have one of the only places without leafdroppingtrees - she took advantage of the nice day to khlean up the leaves from the porch - and from the window wells on the bakhk side of the house - she took it as a sign to finish when the birds started trying to return to their khomfort spots under the patio roof thing 
 Our Dobie Buddy helped watch too -

 I lounged -
 Holly truffle hunted - 
 Mom khame fur more pikhs but I said there wasn't anything to see here - so I moved along -
 Holly enjoyed just sitting -

Holly also said nothing more to see here - let's get grazing - and off we went -

Monday was a mellow day - even though Mom had things she SHOULD have and KHOULD have done, we did furry little - save fur TWO walks - so today she'll have to get khrakhkin' and do STUFF!

Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!



Two French Bulldogs said...

It looks like you got her attention BOL
Lily & Edward

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

It is always good to take a recharge day - although we can never convince the Momster of that! Looks like it was a very nice day there Sunday.

Woos - Lightning and Misty