Lady PF appears to have just returned to her ledge - see her between the building and the nest box!
Mom wanted to share the kholors -
We wanted her to share this Saturday night but NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She kept it all to herself - she won this from the website - they have this spin game - and she won this pastrami burger - when those with the thumb thing paws their order, they khan add and choose and more things fur it - she did rye bread with swiss and spicy mustard and sweet peppers to go along with the sauerkraut - she seemed to REALLY enjoy it - especially since it was FREE!
Now fur our standard sharing of our beyond exciting Saturday night -
yes - we were doing some synkhronized paw work -
Holly did time on the wall chair - as we khall it -
with her posing paw!
Then it was window chair time - she's silly like that - she'll be on one then hop off and right onto the other - OR sometimes she'll even go to the other one without those furry feet hitting the ground - you've seen THOSE shots here!
It appears we are at risk of losing our Khanine Khard fur we didn't demand to be up an hour earlier - in fakht, Mom is usually the one to wake us - and it was the usual SUNday 845ish!
We had two walks - one was 2.16 miles - and the afternoon one was our favorite khondo route of 0.91 miles - Mom did a third walk so she khould fetch her paper - and we lazed the day away -
Wonder what today will bring?
Happy Monday EvFURRYone!
We are suddenly starving
Lily & Edward
Subtract the sauerkraut and Mom would devour that sandwich in no time:) We had the Momster up at 5:30 today, she says we need to last at least another half hour:)
Woos - Lightning and Misty
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