Saturday, January 30, 2016

Saturday Sharing

 From FrEYEday -
 Khousin Emmy sent this on Thursday -
 RutRoh - I see Khousin Bentley's name on the board - Khousin Emmy is having her big GiRl surgery next week - we hear Khousin Bentley did GReat!
 Here is a pikh of Mom's Tuesday khooking - such YUMMY snakhks fur us!
 Fred says HAPPY WEEKEND EvFURRYone - and woo might notice his face furs fell off!
This was on a Jeep outside 4B's FrEYEday night - nice sentiment!

Mom is KHOUNTING down the minutes until her weekend khommences - it has been one fur the rekhord book - as 'they' say!

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!



Cyndi and Stumpy said...

We're back in civilization so catching up with our buddies. When we're out on the road we have limited data and just our stooped phone.

Stumpy and I promise that any snow that comes our way will be directed to
Paw nsylvania.

It's great to see that big smile on Fred's face!!!

Oh! PS woo: If you can imagine, there were a few huskies at the paw-tee with no strings attached to their humans!!! maybe be THORNS IN THEIR FEET KEEP THEM FROM RUNNING?

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Yummy treats. Mom even adds that she would have a few of each:)

Happy Saturday evening!!!

Woos - Ciara and Lightning