Monday, November 30, 2015

Monday MOMandMEandHERday

 Well, look at HER!
Nine years ago, this was a pikhture from the day Holly went to live with her mom - now Angel Debbie - more about that later in the post!
 Our exciting SUNday AFTERNOON as 'we' slept until 11something!

  Yes, Holly's BIRTHDAY is today - or tomorrow - not sure as her post said November 30 but her furiend in VA says December 1 or 2 SO we'll make this HOLLY DAYS!!!!!!!!!

 Tommy and his #1 should be happy to see the pawesome stuffie they brought me is still in some great shape!

Here is a link to Holly's FoURth birthday on her blog - we would have nevFUR evFUR thought that five years later she would be spending it with us at The Khottage - 

It is just more proof that Life happens - we need to LIVE now!

We started the celebration with TWO walks on SUNday - one ovFUR at TADN's - and one 'here' - we minded The Zen-terra whilst Mom hit the store fur some soup stuffs - AND we even got THREE pieces of TURKEY hidden under our kibble!  


I've heard something about magikh cheeseburger windows - so stay tuned!

Happy Holly Days!!!!!!!!!

PeeEssWoo: Mom says her soup is FURRY tasty - and she's khwite happy with the finished produkht!

Sunday, November 29, 2015

SUNday Sharing

 Saturday afternoon's khapture!
 Okay - MY turn fur this one -
 My pink ball -

 I brought the blue one to bed -

Night All!

Happy SUNday EvFURRYone!


Saturday, November 28, 2015

Saturday Sharing

 From our trip to TADN's house on SUNday -
 Mom put out some food and fresh water -

 Yes BroFur we miss woo too - but Bill would be sad if Butterskhotch and woo left him!
 Some more flowery shots

 Mom got up to fetch another khup of khoffee - look what happened to her spot -
It bekhame HER spot!

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!

I'm resting up fur our WEEKEND - which will start tonight when Mom khomes home from The GKP!


Friday, November 27, 2015

FrEYEday SkEYEday Free Fur All

 Some views from The PF Palace

 Ummm - now fur some scenes from our world - of khourse, Mom didn't realize what she khaptured but was too lazy to khrop it ;-)
 Better Mom - at least woo waited today!


We hope all had a pleasant Thanksgiving Thursday - we had two walks - and were introduced to the sound of the smoke alarm as Mom khooked stuff - it was the furst time she's used the oven so we khut her some slakhk this time - of khourse, we demand some turkey and tastes fur our silence!

We had intended to do some Blog visiting but just didn't get there - SO, we do want to repeat our thanks to all fur being there and here and evFURRYwhere in between!

Happy FrEYEday!
