Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tuesday Telling

 Some bird views -
 He's making sure he smells okay - I think we are going by to visit their palace today as we take Summi's Mummi to Harrisburg -
 This was my greeting her SUNday night -

 Monday morning as I tried to motivate them to get walkin'!!!
 1.95 miles later ;-)

 Summi's Mummi took these as I was khomfi near her chair -

 We went out to Sam Lewis State Park along The Susquehanna River - which borders York and Lankhaster Khounties -
 I posed amongst the rokhks -

 Rut roh - look like the next portion of The Margarita Tour of 2014

 Out of order but woo will get the idea - these are some pikhs from Summi's Mummi's phone

 Tee hee - they are all worn out and glowy thanks to the humidity during our hike - not sure how long it was but it was more than a mile but less than two -

It was so much fun!  I loaded 'em bakhk in The Zen-terra then went fur more sightseeing - we even went by Khousin Geufy's but he wasn't home - his loss fur sure!

Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!
PeeEssWoo: There are more pikhtures from SUNday and stuff - we'll share them later - I need to get bakhk to taking khare of my special guest - I think I need to chekhk the adult beverages!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday MOMSandMEday

 Some scenes from my SUNday

 Oh no - here khomes the khrakhkberry - I think the panting will khause her to make me khome in -
 Okay Mom - I'm there!
 One last look at the suite I've prepped fur Summi's Mummi - I've worked at it all week - of khourse, woo KNOW the throw thing on the left side of the shot was nicely pawsitioned on the bed -
 We selekhted these fur her the day we went to the winery and then to The Round Barn -
After all, she is one of the pawesome survivor types - all things pink and Siberian blakhk fur her!!!

I helped Mom paw this together prior to her trip to Merri-Land - we'll be sure to share and tell more tomorrow!

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!

Khounselor Khyra

Sunday, September 28, 2014

SUNday Sharing

 From Wednesday's walk
 I've prepped The Golf Room fur our special guest - well, akhtually, this is what I did to the bed after Auntie Di went bakhk to Phoenix -
 The day I furst met our special guest, she put the Siberian Stranglehold on me -
 Sorri so blurri - woo had better do better Mom whilst Summi's Mummi is here!
That's better!

Our furri special pal is flying in from WOO-tah today - she spent time with famili there AND now is heading to PAWSylvania to see ME!!!!!

Mom is going to Merri-land later today to fetch her - and she doesn't think I know BUT I've read her FB messages and see she's meeting two other khrazi Siberian ladi's fur dinner and probabli some of those adult beverage things!

The Nice 'Shelly' Ladi is staying here until Wednesday morning - then heading to Mayne and Master-Chew-Sits to visit some others THEN heading better next Sunday fur a bit more of ME time - and then will head bakhk to The Iowa Khrew on Monday

We may not have much free time but we'll do our best to share SUMM of the fun!

She says she khouldn't bring him along - that is SO furri wrong!
SIGH!  He's SOOOO hunki now!!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Saturday Sharing

 Someone was enjoying the sunpuddles the other day -

 Mom put me inside and then went to torture him!
 She did take some food and water out to khompenstate him - 
 Okay Mom - I know what woo are doing -
 She had nothing of me to share today sooooooo
 Okay -

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!
