We celebrated the last evening of Khamp Khyra fur Khousin Geufy and Auntie Di with some special tasty favorites - someone had the GReat big tongue bekhause his humans were hitting golf balls fur him to go chase and bring bakhk - oh the 'joys' of being PAWmitted off The String!
I spy - with my right eye -
I spy - with my left eye -
This was akhtually my sekhond one since somebody was out chasing balls whilst Mom ate her furst piece!
BTW, have I mentioned how Khousin Geufy drools whilst watching and waiting fur foodables?!?
Khwite the frothy look!
Auntie Di ordered the XLARGE one -
and some khatcheesesteak pretzel 'boli -
and a large HAWAIIAN pizza -
This was the remnants of the XLARGE one - plus, she ordered some khatwings fur Khousin Harley's human puppy Jaden -
After they had eaten, they went bakhk out fur more fun without string - but no worries fur me bekhause Mom
Of khourse, there are pikhtures!
Happy SUNday EvFURRYone!
We are sad Auntie Di is on her way bakhk to Khousin Ab but we KNOW she's missed her!
All The Happy And Full Khampers At Khamp Khyra