Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tuesday Telling

 From Monday

 Mom and I are tidying up some of the stray pikhs we've had to share but hadn't yet - she khame home a week or so ago whilst it was raining and saw where the bunnies go when it is raining - under the lilahk bush!

 Last weekend - June 8th to be exakht - we khame bakhk from our walk - and saw Butterskhotch sitting on the front walk - so Mom took that as a subtle hint fur more water and food - when she went out, she saw a bird dart away from one of the bushes - so Mom looked more khlosely and noticed the nest
 Robin puppies!!!
 Part of my hunki Mal Pal Summi's stuff 
 His own Bobkhat - obviously misspelled ;-)
 On the furst night of Khamp Khyra, Mom saw Tulie Toad was bakhk!

 Then Mom went bakhk out fur some more shots - 

 I think this is the STINK EYE look! 
More rrrrrrabbit - I think we have 87 of 'em in the neighborhood!
Still robin pups 
 Monday chilling after our muggy jungle walk
Nap time was drawing near fur me AND fur Mom!

Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!



Collie222 said...

Wow, you have bunnies? Sadly, where we live there are no bunnies. My sister used to have a bunny family living in the woods by her house, and every summer there would be baby bunnies hopping around. But then the coyotes moved into the neighborhood...

Mayzie said...

Whew! This postie was just FULL of the wild life! Birds and frogs and bunnies...oh my! But the best wild life was MFT herself!

Wiggles & Wags,

Two French Bulldogs said...

Khyra some buddy is at your tree. Those are some blue eggs
Benny & Lily

BeadedTail said...

Bet that toad peed in his pool! We hope the baby birdies will still be borned. Do you get to chase any rabbits Khyra? Wouldn't that be fun for you and your mom?

White Dog Blog said...

You DO live in a jungle...full of all manner of wild things! We love the color of the robin's eggs. Have you met the bunnies face-to-face yet, Khyra?

Lorenza said...

Lots of creatures!
Birdie eggs
The toad!
Kisses and hugs

Hero said...

Maybe the bunnies in my neighborhood moved to woors! We used to have lots of them but we only see a couple now. I hope the eggs hatch soon! Baby birdies are so cute.


Juno said...

Hi, Khyra, We will show this post about nature to our brudder. Very nice!

Momo & Pinot xo

Donna said...

Ribbit and rabbit! Wow!