Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday Sharing

 Good thing I napped when Mom left fur The GKP - Auntie Di make me pose fur her all day - I akhtually started charging her fur shots!

 Mom saw this inkhredible skEYE when she left The GKP Saturday evening - she was SO happy she had the flashie beast in her bag 
 Mom met Auntie Di, The Doggy Nanny, and Fred fur dinner - when Auntie Di and Mom khame out, this was their view - furry nice!

 Mom and Auntie Di took me fur a walk - right by Frog Island, she noticed something move in the middle of the street - since it was khwite dusky, the pikhs need the flashie but it was a Tula Toad In Training!
 This is my new pal from akhross the street - he's the new pup Angel Baloo The Burned Yeast dog sent to taunt the khytties and keep his parents happy - we met Thursday night
 His name is Antarre and he is a Great Dane

Here is a video from Friday night - it is a short one but shows how khute he is - of khourse, he's just a wee one FUR NOW!!!

Auntie Di and I (and Mom too) met him again Saturday night - she held him - and he ate her hair!

Auntie Di and Mom will be on the road today - here are previews of The Zen-terra Khargo
 Petey was SUPPOSED to be on this week's trek, but cirkhumstances dogdate he khome North another time - maybe with those Tasty S'mors Graham, Kharob, and MARSHa - but we will have

Red - but he'll also have to wait fur another time - the drivers got word late Saturday night that Red had to stay in VA a bit longer - oh well, fur a reason 

Zona The Biker Pup and dual shotgun with Auntie Di - ZORA MOM - she's ZORA!!!

Of khourse, there will be LOTS of skhweeing going on - the pikhs from Saturday were furry khute!

Of khourse, with Auntie Di around - and Mom working the extra hours on Monday and Tuesday - our visits might be khurTAILed this week

Happy Sunday EvFURRYone!

PeeEssWoo: Mom will be sure to get some pikhs of Auntie Di and me!  Now bakhk to entertaining my OTHER special guests - THOSE Goldens khame to visit too!


Summit the Super Mal said...

Woo there PG~
Looks like woo have a full house. Safe travels.

bichonpawz said...

Sure does look like a full house!! Enjoy your day and your walk...maybe you'll even see Mr Toad again!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

So it's a late summer session of Khamp Khyra?! We're waiting for the pics of you and all your visitors, Khyra!


Gus said...

Oh is getting crowded around there. We hope your Mom gets a reprieve on those extra hours so she and Auntie D can have some fun times. Also so you can get your quality time in.

gussie n teka

Two French Bulldogs said...

is that your pet frog? The sky is beautiful.
Benny & Lily

Lorenza said...

Your new nieghbor is adorable!
I am sure he wanted to go with your for a walkie!
Have a great sunday with your cousins!
Kisses and hugs

BeadedTail said...

Sounds like a fun and khuteness packed weekend with Auntie Di! We hope you have a great time Khyra! We hope Khousin Ab and her dad are having fun in AZ too!

Jan said...

Yum, frog legs...

Misty the alpha Poodle

Dandy Duke said...

Antarre is just adorable!
It sounds busy busy at your house, Khyra! Have fun with all of your company!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Rebekah said...

Thank you for another week of transporting precious cargo!! I'm watching for the wonderful pictures I know you have taken!! :)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Antarre is very cute, watch out, Khyra. He will be a very BIG boy soon.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

The Websters said...

That Great Dane isn't very great!


Kess And Her Mama said...

Sundays are definitely for naps and walks.The biker pup is just too cute :-)

KB said...

It looks to me like you have lots and lots to teach little Antarre!

My dogs charge me for photos. The Runner does too - for photos of his dog R!

Jan said...

We just posted a story about one of your Sibe cousins who is causing a lot of problems in Oregon. We do love Huskies, always good for adventures.