Thinking we are thankful to have eskhaped THIS MESS from Khousin Ab's BLAST FURNACE - have woo seen the mess that hit Phoenix Tuesday night? - it is inkhredible!
I'm thankful Khousin Ab used her cell and her humans to send these pikhs from their weekend in Prescott - they went up there on Saturday and returned on Monday - I told Mom it would be okay to just post 'em as I found them in the Pics for Blog Posts Folder
That phoenix sure is a blast furnace, BOL
Benny & Lily
Khousin Ab is always khute! We're glad she can escape the blast furnace on the weekends and that they are okay after the dust storm too!
We had to call out khousin in Phoenix when we saw that. Hope it doesn't happen again.
Misty the alpha Poodle
And people complain about the rain in Seattle. Dust storms are the worst. Growing up in PHX, I've been in many. Can't get the grit out of your life for weeks.
Very cuter pix of cuzin Ab. As always, the Queen is gorgeous. Better get that one framed!!
Easton says hey - he's getting around a little better these days. Maybe, just maybe, he can heal. paws crossed
Khousin Ab is a beauty! We sure hope they are all ok.
Teddy Bear & Sierra
Mommy loves the shot of Khousin Ab being cute!!
As for me, well you should know which pic i like best!! :))
HI Khyra! Long time no bark but I see that you are all well and smiling! :) Slobbers from DownUnder Teal'c
Amazing sky pics! And Khousin Ab is cute indeed! But our favourite is that second shot of smiling Khyra!
What gorgeous sky shots! Cousin Ab is sure a cutie, Khyra!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Lovely pics as always. Fanks for sharing.
Good to see Cousin Abby looking so cute and well. That storm in Phoenix was unbelievable. Mother Nature is really putting on quite the display this year.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Happy Thursday Khyra!
Dat dust storm looked very skeery on da teevees. Cuzin Ab is very cute indeed!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Abby is looking cuter than ever!
That mess in PHX was unreal!
Happy, Waggin' Tails, FUREVER!
Stumpy and me
The weather is being so messy! It hasn't rained here in like 150 years I think!
We've got our paws crossed for everypuppy affected by the storms and yukky weather.
glad to know abby and your aunt were ok after that huge dust storm - the pictures of it were incredible!
jeepers it's like a tsunami of dust! run fur your lives!! unless the FT can floof it away. Keep safe khousin Ab!
Great photos! Love the smiling one - the second of the post - best though!
Awesome pics! Love the second one!
Pretty sky shots!
Bootiful sky shots. We'll pass on the dust storm :-)
-Rottie Kisses
Those woz some kewl pikshures of Airy-Zone-Ahh altho it woz not so airy fur a bit there.
we heard all about the Haboob!
What furry cute photos. :)
Glad everyone is okay...I'm just glad we don't have to worry about that in our time zone....Or do we? ;-)
Beautiful pictures! We saw that on the news about Phoenix! Love, Debbie & Holly
Lovely Thursday post, a beautiful Khyra smile and a very happy Ab!
Hello, smiling Khyra and how do you do, Khousin Ab!
What a scary dust storm. Thanks for the link.
So happy for the Guest Appearance by Khousin Ab!!! That was one scary dust storm! What a mess!
with love from the Bleu
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