
and here is a link to the story with video - and here is another link to a YouTube video of Shadow's release from the hospital - with some very telling words -

Merdie and Harley woof THANKS fur the kind words about seeing them again! I'm doing my best to keep them entertained!
Khyra and The Golden Khousins
Poor Badger. That is so sad and weird.
Misty the alpha Poodle
iM hApPy ThAt MiShA gOt a GoOd HoMe. HeHeHe.. ThE PiGgY BaCk RiDe lUkS sO MuCh FuN! WoOf and MeWs.
LoVe NaQvEe.
Such sad stories! It's good to see the happy pics, too. That snackhk has stripes like you, Khyra!
- Charlie
Hi ya pals!
Oh my! The ball story...I love my ball so much..gotta be careful!
Hugs to you all :)
Sierra Rose
Khyra my dear, hope all is well! *waves* to Merdie and Harley!
They are interesting stories, oh deary me.
Snacks indeed! Are you not jealous?
oooh that story! i got some rain in my eye's
El'bow & Hauwii
Froggie doggie!!!
Badger's story is so sad.
We're happy Misha has found her furever home. Thanks for posting these!
Togo, Tagar & Gamby
How sad about Badger. We remember seeing a video on Johann's blog about a ball getting stuck and knowing CPR. It's just heartbreaking!
We are so happy to hear about Misha!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Two very sad stories. Our hearts go out to both families.
Great to see happy Misha, but wow, a cat!!!! Misha is amazing.
Sweet Merdie - good to see you looking so well.
Stay cool, going to be another scorcher.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
So sad about Badger but we just LOVER that pic of Misha and her buddy!
It is always pure joy to see Merdie and Harley!
Tommy (on a family vacation!)
Such sad stories today. Thank DOG we have Mishka, Merdie and harley, in all their khuteness, to cheer us up!
Happy, Waggin' Tails, FUREVER!
Stumpy and me
Such sad stories.
We are glad Misha found a home.
Oh dear, I don't like sad stories, they always break my heart!
So glad to hear about Misha though.
Those are both such sad stories...
Such sad stories about Badger and Shadow. We live near Terre Haute and have been following this story... Shadow was well enough to be able to attend his partners funeral.
Hope you are keeping cool this week!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda, Brutus & Ellie
Always love seeing M & DH. Sad story about Badger. Have to watch Easton with balls. Of course he is cut-off for now with his leg problem.
Hi to everyone at Khamp this week.
Our mommy can't handle sad stories so we'll just be happy to see Merdie! We're also happy to see that Misha has a new home and has to deal with kitties like I do!
We had already seen that story about Badger. Those Kong toys worry Meowm...she is afraid woofies tongues will get stuck in them.
That is very sad for Shadow, and everyone. We are glad Shadow will be okay, but are very sorry for the loss.
WOO HOO!!! Misha gets a home!!!!! Although we don't particularly like the "snack" that appears to be provided.
Merdie you look fab!
We hope Misha got a good home.
could we have a doggy back ride? What a story about Badger
Benny & Lily
That is so sad.
The cute cousins are back, yeahhh!
Love the picture of Misha with her cat.
Great to see Khousin Harley & Merdie again at Kamp Khyra.
Poor Badger. What a strange and freaky accident. We're glad that Shadow survived but sad that his partner didn't.
We see Misha was lucky enough to find a forever home with a khat!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
That is not a tasty snack. That is a large cat who could give as good as they got!
Glad you started and ended with happy photos. The stories of Badger and Shadow are just heartbreaking...our woos of comfort to both families.
It's a sad story that sadly happens all too often--We had a similar thing with a pear last year but thankfully it had a good ending...
I hope you're staying cool today!
Thanks for the happy pic. Can't read the sad stuff right now.
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