As I pawed on Monday, Mom and I went fur a photoshoot fur today's post - as part of Sally's PROJECT12

How appropriate since this is National Ice Cream month with National Ice Cream Day khoming this weekend - July 17!!!
Woo might want to chekhk out The Ice Cream Journal ovFUR at Turkey Hill's website - lots of tasty stuffs pawed there - and woo khan also see how they are using wind to help churn the produkht - in a modern day way!
Time to go paw your humans' khalendars fur Sunday SUNDAE Sunday!!!
National ice cream month! We're there!!!
Misty the alpha Poodle
The ice cream place is so much better than that yucky starbucks!
A Khyra Khroissant! BOL! You're funny Khyra!
Our mommy doesn't like that coffee stuff either but we all love ice cream! We celebrate National Ice Cream YEAR here!
You are a crack up with those poses
Benny & Lily
We'll take ice-cream over coffee anytime!! Our mom doesn't like coffee the slightest bit because smelling and/or drinking it never fails to give her a 3 day long migraine..
We love the 'Khyra Khroissant' too!!!
What a Tuesday full of T's!
Ice cream sounds about right!! Me love ice cream too!
P.s - thank you for you kind words for Muffin and family! :)
Thanks for letting us know - National Ice Cream Month - that's our kind of celebration - Arrrroooo!!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh, Ruairi and Ivy
Khyra you were having sweet dreams in those pictures if the look on your face was anything to go by. Celebrating ice cream sounds good to me.. Hugs GJ xx
What a tasty looking khroissant!
Ice Cream on a Khyra Khroissant with a bit of chocolate please
The hu-dad is one of those weird humans that does not drink coffee - of any brand. He has us to keep him alert.
now we're hungry! i'll eat the ice cream and mom can have the coffee!
Ice Cream? YES please!
Gee Khyra......you gots a Starbucks plant AND a famous Harley plant in your town......kewell!
We haves a coffee plant not too far from our house ...... On some days when da wind is right, you can smell da coffee roasting.....
the ice cream part would be yummy!!!!!
you weren't dreaming of khat snaks was you?
National Ice cream month is my kind of celebration! Thanks for telling us about it!
(It took 12 hours to load this comment page. Oh my - now let's see if my comment actually goes through). This is definitely one of the pitfalls of living in the mountains. No DSL...
I'm with your mom, khyra! Starbucks coffee is the YUCK! but smelling roasting coffee beans would make me crazy!
but, Friendly's Ice Cream...nom nom nom!!!
Happy, Waggin' Tails, FUREVER!
Stumpy and me
How about a good hot cup of DD (Dunkin Donuts) to go along with that KK (Khyra Khroissant)? Mom isn't crazy about Starbucks coffee either but she does love a number of their cold drinks. And Friendly's - what she wouldn't give to have a Friendly's in Kansas.
Now we hope we and all our furry furiends can get lots of ice cream this week.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Ice Cream month and day sound perfect to me! I'm all for celebrating that!
hi Khyra! We missed you - we have been gone it seems like forever! We love those pictures of you - so cute! We aren't coffee people at all, and our mom hates it - even the smell bugs her. But boy, she is very excited about ice cream month, and so are we - YUM!
Starbucks and ice cream? Meowm is drooling!
The Khyra Khroissant is just PERFECT!
We have pretty good ice cream too over here. Want to come over and share some?
Mama says she grew up by a Nestles Nescafe coffee plant, and wants to know if you can smell the coffee before it rains. That kept here from even trying coffee until she moved away from home!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo
Sally has a good idea! We're not wild for that Starbucks, but love the smells of roasting beaners!!! However, we are NUTS about ice cream - we'll put a paw mark on the 17th!
Sammie, Avalon and Oz
Oooooooo! Ice cream day. Too bad I can't have dairy. However, mom froze some of my food in a Kong. Does that count?
We have National Ice Cream day written on the calendar, Khyra! This has to be one of the best days of the year!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
My mum and dad did not like Starbucks coffee either.
Woofs & hugs,
~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)
Your mom passed lots of yummy things huh? :)
My mom thinks it's National Ice Cream day EVERY day. I think dats why her can't fit into her clothes anymore! :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
yes!!! I really love Ice Cream. can i have one please..:)
Dog Fence
National Ice Cream Day is THIS Sunday? Woohoo! And there is a whole month of celebrating (although we seem to have missed a big scoop of July already)? We had better get busy. Make mine pistachio...or coconut...or strawberry...or vanilla bean!
Jan has never had a Starbucks coffee, but she's okay with that since it's expensive.
But she likes ice cream. And we would too if she'd share with us.
Noational ice cream month, I told mom that we need to pop over the pond right just now. I love ice cream. Thak you for sharing.
nice woooh
We like Caribou Coffee best!
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