Mom took this with the khrakhkberry as we headed out fur the furst walk of this year's Khamp Khyra season

Then she switched to the flashie beast

The Merdie tail was wagging and flagging!


She was so happy to be Merdin' along with us!

One of Mom's famous nose jobs

There's all of him!

Happy GiRl!


Mom was furry impressed with how well Harley and I walked together - we were khompletely synkhronised - so much better than when he furst khame to Khamp Khyra -

Here are some of the skies Harley and I got to enjoy after we had dropped Merdie bakhk at the house -


Mom has two videos fur this week's Walkin' Wednesday -
the furst one is the three of us - and
the sekhond one is just Harley and me -
Now fur the wing part

Mom has been noticing one of the RT Hawks on this utility pole most days she goes to work or returns home to me - Sunday when she left fur the transport, she saw this one and pulled ovFUR to take the pikh - this one is just short of the orchard -

On the way bakhk, she was THRILLED to see the other one was there too so she pulled ovFUR to take some more pikhs

He decided to take off fur a spin around the pond - woo khan seen one of the smaller birds that buzz and bug the hawks as they fly around

Mom snapped one last shot then hopped bakhk in The Xterra, khompleted the trip, and returned to me
Whilst on the subjekht of WINGS, Butchy has posted he'll be getting his Angel Wings later today - please stop by and wish him well - he's pakhked and ready to go - we've already reminded him 'it's not forever...it's just...for now' -
Safe Travels Butchy!
Khyra and The Golden Khousins By Proxy
looks like you have perfect walking weather! Its already too hot in LA :(
How great that you all got to go for a walkie together. Very well said my Friend, it's not forever...it's just for now.:(
Teddy Bear & Sierra
you always know how to say heart felt thoughts,,
we went to share some love
Adorable! Look at all those tail waggers, BOL
Benny & Lily
Great WW shots, Khyra and the Gang!
I'm about to head out with #1 for our walk before she leaves. I'm going to miss her!
Love all the fluffy tails!!!
I hope those birdies don't get electrocuted on that electrical thingy. Looked like you had a wonderful walk!
We have to admit we cried when we heard earlier today abowt Butchy getting his wings ~ but yoo're right, it's 'not forever...it's just...for now'. We will miss him but the decision is the kindest. Mamas always know best. Purrs.
Hehehehe...I likes your mom's nose job...at least it wasn't a whole head like my mum.
We're so sad to hear about Butchy. It breaks our hearts.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh, Ruairi and The Sweet Babes
It is awesome to see you and Merdie and Harley walking together! The RT hawk photos were fantastic! Especially the one where the hawk is flying by. Very cool!
We are so impressed that your mom can walk THREE of you at the same time!
And what a nice tribute to Butcho.
Gussie n Teka
What a lovely walk you had with your cousins and the weather looks good too!
I'm impressed with the three-leash set-up too. Of course, I'm sure all three of them have better manners than my wild girls...
Walks are the BEST! Great shots of the hawk!
My asst. wants me to thank you for sending her a KHYRA KHYSS... she was quite touched. Thanks too for your donation to help the tornado doggies. Wonder how many of the survivors will be called Toto after all this! Dogs are playing such a crucial role in search & rescue too... what would the humans do without us???
I haven't been here in awhile. (Just lazy.) Nice to see you and your furrends!
Such fun you have with Harley! And good ole Merdie girl - such a sweetie.
Mom got some great shots of those hawks.
Soft woos from all of us for Butchy as he makes his way across the bridge. We will light our candle and send him and his family gentle hugs and kisses.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder,and Ciara
Khyra and Harley would make and awesome team for a two dog sled!
So much fun to see the goldens at Khamp Khyra, again!
Family walk time! Fun!
Khyra, you need to show Harley how to carry his tail. We didn't know Butchy but we offered our {{hugs}} to his family. We are blowing kisses to pawticipate so he will bring them to our fur-ends that are running at the bridge. And we are really thankful to know that your Mom is pulling over to take those "Hawk" pictures. Sniffs, The HoundDogs
WOO HOO!!! What a great walking trio! Looks like all of you had fun!
Those are some big birdies!
I am glad that merdie got to walk with you for a while and its great too see how well Harley walks with you now. Your mum did well with the birdie shots. I was sorry to see that Butchie was leaving us for the bridge and I am glad you said it was not forever. Hugs GJ xx
Glory Glory Glory! Little Harley is walking like a big boy! I hope that means there is... HOPE!
with love from the Bleu!
P.S. I send sweet kisses for the Pretty Girls!!!
Oh my! A 3-in-1 leash. Tell your mom I'm very impressed with her leashing abilities!!
Run free Butchy. :(
I liked seeing you and Harley all in sych. Mum wishes me and Sally could so that. Auntie Penny liked to Merdie along too. hehe
~lickies, Ludo
We enjoyed your walk with Merdie and Harley Khyra! Even the neighbors enjoyed seeing all of you! Merdie, our mommy's back end doesn't always do what she wants it to either! :)
We're sorry to hear about your furiend and will light a candle in his honor.
Looks like you and Merdie and Harley had a wonderful walk. We just love you and your cousins. :)
Hi Khrya! What a lovely walk!
So are the three of you walking together? Wow you have trained your mum well.
We love that you and Harley are so synchronized, Khyra! Our hearts are breaking for Katie and Butchy's kitty brothers and sissies.
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I loved the "famous nose job" line! What a beautiful trio.
Great RT hawks!
Such lovely walkie shots! Looks like a fun time! Nice sky pics!
So sorry to hear the news about Butchy. We stopped by earlier to offer our condolences. So sad.
A happy walkie for you, Merdie and Harley!
Butchy was so brave.
Our thoughts are with all his family.
Take care
Kisses and hugs
What a way to start Khamp Khyra and I agree, the beautiful tails being 'synkhronised' show that you all are off to a good start!! I know how people like to stay awake at camp--Are you all singing songs and doing shadow puppets? :-)))
Walking weather is perfect...and so is the company! We loved the photos of your hawks.
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