Now fur the passengers hitching rides from Merryland to Pawsylvania today

The next handsome fella ISN'T making the trek this weekend - but Mom wanted me to show him fur he is the reason she signed up fur this extra transport - and a wee bit early fur her too -
Meet Lobo - oh my - I feel faint!!!
The AM run is fur A Pathway to Hope
Then after Mom drops those two in Harrisburg, she'll return to Hagerstown fur these threeBeth
Woodstock The Heartbreaker
All the emails on Saturday with the transport updates were just oooooozing with skhwees about him!
His furever family is khounting the minutes until they khan hold him fur their own!
This run is also pawmitting this khutie to ride along
Meet Paco - Mom will make a stop on the way to Harrisburg to pass him along to his reskhue - she'll be meeting his next ride in Shippensburg -
There were a few other passengers that had been supposed to khome along but fur various reasons, they won't make the trek THIS time!
Mom isn't sure how many pikhs and videos she'll snag bekhause the weather babblers keep talking about rain and rain and showers and rain - but she'll do her best!
PeeEssWoo: She's mine until Wednesday morning now! Let the pawty begin!
What beautiful passengers!!! We hope you have a blast with your Mom these next few days.:)
Teddy Bear & Sierra
Hi Khyra. That Lobo is sure a handsome dude. We hope he'll make it up north soon. The others all look like cuties. Safe driving to your Mom. And enjoy having her to yourself!
Love those passengers. Hope there is a smooth transport and those little fellows get their homes soon! What a meaningful weekend you and your mom have!
We can see why you felt faint looking at Lobo's picture, Khyra. What a hunk!
We hope the rain holds off for your mom.
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hey Khyra!
Wow, Mickey looks a lot like me...if he had a floofier tail! Great sky pix and very cute passengers! Sounds like serious Mom time ahead! Enjoy.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Your yard looks like ours with all the maple tree seeds!
Did you see that poor Durand gave up on her eggs and that they ended up being infertile?
Hope today's transport went well and was not too wet!
Another transport with those blockhead pups that we here at the Mango estate are so fond of. Looks like a rainy week ahead. Hope you stocked up on mentals stimulations activities.
Lots of handsome and lucky pups getting a chance to spend some time with your Mom today. Woodstock sure is a cutie.
Hope the weather clears so you and Mom can hit the pavement a few times together.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Looks like your mum is going to have a double pleasure today. I just love those cute faces and as you said there will some happy people at the end of the trips. Great sky on your walks Khyra and I am glad that your mum is yours for a few days. Have a great day.. Hugs GJ xx
What adorable faces! Thanks to your mom, Khyra, for making sure they have forever homes!
Hi, Khyra! Thanks for stopping by my blog again. Love that Spring picture of you next to the tree, and all your doggie friends. (Next to you, my favorite is Lobo!)
Lobo looks like a Lady Killer fur sure!! I can see why you would feel faint.
Lovely riders - and Lobo too. Hope it is a great trip!
We love you Khyra and your mom. We purray your mom will have many blessings for her transports.
We purray for all the darlins' involved in the transports....that they will ALL quickly find loving forever homes.
Lobo is making my heart ra Have fun with your mom this week.
Misty the alpha Poodle.
Oh my goodness...such cute passengers!! And we love the sky pictures you had from your walk!
Khyra, glad to hear you get Mom all to yourself until Wednesday! Too cool. Have FUN!!!!!
Elyse and Riley
O.H. M.Y! How khute!
We love Paco too, hope all goes well and the rains hold off until your mom can get back to you.
Thanks for the stroll past the flowers! Love your transports this week :)
Sending purrs for a safe transport for all!
Khyra...do you have Lobo's cell? I think he left his razor here....
You are just totally jelly of my fit backside...
I have to go organize potty time...still have five dogs here...it's a bit complicated...
Enjoy your weekend. We can't wait for traveling canine pictures tomorrow.
Khyra and Micky sitting in a tree....
Or is it Woodstock??
What cute passengers!
Thor and Jack
Have a nice time with mom Khyra!
Those are some cute pups. :)
We think Lobo is very handsome too! We hope the transport goes well!
The sky photos are lovely and of course we love your fluffy tail too Khyra! Yay for having your mom until Wednesday!
Your little passengers are so darn cute! I wish we had nice weather here in New England, it is going to rain for a full week!!
I shouldn't complain though with all the flooding going on though.
I can see why everyone goes gaga over Woodstock. That face!
Squeee!! That puppers sure it khute! :) Your mom is an angel Khyra!
Wow! Mom says Lobo is very handsome!! All the passengers are beautiful indeed!
Have fun with your mom and enjoy!!!
I am so happy ur Mom helps with all these rescues. Yay! :)
Mango will be jelly with that stud lobo being near woo. I mean.. wowzer. I hope you have funballs with DOH. I can't wait for my MFT emails.
Lobo is a HUNK!!! And that Woodstock dude? Oy. He's a cutie! Glad to hear you've got your Mom for while! (And Mom is jealous over your grass... she's still trying to get her act together on our yard... it might start snowing again before she gets our grass grown!)
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
The sky pictures made us feel sooo serene! They are beautiful!
And the puppies too!
Good luck to all of them!
Kisses and hugs
Gee yer Xterra sure gets a variety of passengers....'n they're all as cute as a button too.....no one gets car sick, do they? Toby does sometimes unless Gram gives 'em a pill......silly red-head....
Dewey Dewster here....
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