
Here is one of the items I had planned fur today related to khanine transports - here is a video from April 30 and May 1's run - Mom khouldn't do this one since she was enjoying Gili and the Gang - BUT she was kind of sad not getting to meet Stella The Rotti Girl's BroFur Diesel - sooooo, take a look at this great video from the run Mom missed
PeeEssWoo: Since we all know how much Mom missed taking The Xterra on the road this past Sunday, please take khomFURt in knowing that Mom should be driving TWO Hagerstown to Harrisburg legs on Sunday - my mom is pretty silly but I'm glad she's MINE!!!
I think you need to ride in a Harley sidecar ;)
TWO transports? Khyra, your mom is an angel for those pups!
The Harley factory would be khool to see! We worry when it gets time for chikhk-zilla to learn to fly way up on that building.
It's important to make sure your humans have 'down time' - and taking them for a walk is usually the best way to do it. (Mom is a wee bit stressed right now; Dad's having some problems with the business and then he found a mole on his shoulder that their doctor cut off only to discover it is a 'malignant melanoma' and he has to go see some cancer doctor in a few weeks so they can cut out more of his shoulder to make sure he's okay. Dad's uncle died of this, so Mom's a little freaked out. On the other hand, Mom's Dad had the same thing, and is 100% fine. But Mom's still all stressy. So we've been taking her on lots of walks!)
BTW, Mom misses her Harley - with Dad's neck he can't ride for long with a helmet on, and Mom won't let him ride without one, so no more Harleys....
Anyhoo... keep your Mom walking! ;-)
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
AHHH you look pretty relaxed in that picture, Khyra. What were you dreaming about?
We love your napping photo by your tree.:) We agree with BC's Mom...you would look so cool riding in a Harley sidecar.:)
Teddy Bear & Sierra
I love the video and I love Diesel, thanks.
I got to pose next to a Harley in Gettysburg! Those are some nice machines! I think I want one!
That tree is a great place to do some serious thinking...
You must be in the middle of some pretty deep thoughts! You lok pawsitively Khatatonikh!
I'll take a Diesel and a Raj, please. You can bring them by anytine. The sooner, the better!
You look so beautiful in that picture!
Thor and Jack
Khyra, we love you at your tree! You look like you are doing some serious sleeping or thinking!! Lots of love, Holly & Mom
You sure do look like you are enjoying your sunbath there, Khyra. We are sending our best sibe vibes for Mom to have a better day.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
You look so comfy.... Mike REALLY wants a Harley!
Give your Mom a kiss for doing 2 transports!!!! She is a special mom and you arfe very lucky. We like Kari's suggestion about you getting your own Harley sidecar/../
We think moms should fill their lives with only downtimes with us.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Hi Khyra! Thanks for sharing!! YOur momma is one special human!
Can I come and join you at the foot of your tree, Khyra?
I'm so glad you are being easy on your human! Sometimes they really need our help!!
We never thought of using a pillow for a tree Khyra. It sure looks like mom and Ms Vicky had fun on her visit
Benny & Lily
Your mom is awesome for the work she does! She can take a trip off every now and then :o)
Your mum is pawsome doing two transports but we know that for sure.. I know some pups dad that would love to see that Harley factory.. Hugs GJ xx
hmmmm...this post looks vaguely familiar. I'm blaming blogger, since blogger has been epically horrible the last couple of days!
Love the pic of you under the tree!
Thursday thinking? You mean we get to relive yesterday and it isn't even Groundhog's Day?
Misty the alpha Poodle
Awww...what a sweet photo of you thinking under the tree!
You make snuggling up to a tree look comfortable!
Hello Miss Khyra :o)
Love the picture of you relaxing by the huge tree.
Pawsome video with the fortunate pupsters getting rescued ♥
Neeko :o)
That sure is one big Harley place. :)
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