Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thursday Thinking

Mom khaught me pondering the post
Khame out to ask if I was ready - of khourse, she furgot she'd made the flashie beastie do the zoom thingie

I told her I wanted to think healing thoughts to my furiends

I'd chekhked FB and saw Sibe Vibes and khrossed paws were needed

I channeled my energies - and hoped and hoped


Please go finish the post fur me Mom - I want to keep my pals in my thoughts

Okay Khyra - I'll finish the post -

We had other pics to share but our hearts just aren't up to posting them - just as we returned from our walk and started on this post, we saw the emails with news about Noah and Mango - and just couldn't continue with more of a post -

We hope tomorrow will find us feeling more like it -

Please keep both of them AND all the others fighting issues now in your thoughts -

Hugz&Khysses from Khyra's Khorner


Jan said...

We can feel Khyra's healing thoughts go through the blogosphere to anyone who needs them.

Misty the alpha Poodle.

rottrover said...

Khyra, we feel better just looking at your beautiful face in that last picture. Our paws are crossed...

BeadedTail said...

Khyra, we're sorry about your furiends and we'll cross our paws too. It's sad when our furiends are sick but we believe in the power of the paw!

Wyatt said...

We are crossing our paws too. We don't like any of our friends to be sick :(

Wyatt and Stanzie

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

That #$%^&*!!!! seizure monster! Stumpy wants to shake the you know what out of it!

Suka said...

hey Khyra,

What a sad post. I don't know Mango but I sniffed my way over and pawed him some positive healing thoughts. I will say prayers for him that the horrible seizure monster leaves him alone.

I know you and Mango are very close, and I am sorry your friend is hurting. Take comfort in know that you are helping Mango tremendously by spreading the word and thus bringing more and more love, prayers, and healing and positive thoughts his way. You are in my thoughts, too.


Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

Khyra, you are such a gentle, loving soul. We saw Mango's horrid interloper on his birthday. We don't know Noah, but we sure wish him well, too.

Jed & Abby

Yas said...

Hi Khyra!

I'm very sure your healing thoughts will reach them.
We will send ours too. The power of the paws will prevail!!


Duke said...

We're sending healing vibes right along with you, Khyra, to both Noah and Mango! We hope they're both feeling better today!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We will think healing thoughts too. Purrs.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Khyra, you are such a good friend to all. We are very sad for Mango and to think the seizure monster had to hit on his birthday. We hope the meds make him better. We didn't know about Colin, so very sad to lose a furry and at such a young age.

Soft woos to all from us.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Dexter said...

Now don't you worry about me, MFT. I feel GREAT! I am worried about dear Noah. He has always reminded me so much of Grandpa Angus who suffered from the old dog disease. I am sending good thoughts to him for sure.


Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I am sending healing purrs in the hope they help. I can feel Khyra's vibes going down the blogasphere right now. Paws crossed it all helps. Hugs GJ x

houndstooth said...

We can feel your vibes going out from here! I'm sure Mango and Noah feel them, too!


Unknown said...

Khyra, you do look you're thinking hard in the pictures! Good thoughts are sent to those who need them too!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I have my paws crossed fur all of our furends too.

KB said...

Khyra, Thanks for making me aware of what is going on. Our internet keeps randomly going down so I didn't know. I can feel your generous healing thoughts and I hope that they work.

Adien Crafts said...

We're thinking of all our cyber friends today today, with special healing vibes to those not doing so well, Dex & Lou x

SissySees said...

Khyra does look deep in thought. We're crossing paws and slinging drool over here. (Gretchen would like to have it known that SHE doesn't drool, but she can cross both pairs of paws.)

Two French Bulldogs said...

We will cross our paws for healing vibes too Khyra. That flashy beast is all over the place
Benny & Lily

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We love you darlin' Khyra!!!! And what pawsomely beautiful pix of you, sweetie.....YAH, YAH, YAH!!!!!!!

Karen Raye and Bentley Beargrass said...

Hi pretty Khyra- just wanted to drop by and catch up.

Your friends in Texas!

brooke said...

Poor Mango. We hate that seizure monster!

Amber-Mae said...

My poor Mango buddy. That seizure monster is a real meanie!

Sagira said...

Our paws are crossed for all going through issues right now.

Beautiful photos of your Khyra. :)

Vicki said...

Sad news today. Hope you feel better soon. Lovely photos Khyra..very thoughtful.

Teddy Westlife said...

I will think positive thoughts for everyone who needs them!

White Dog Blog said...

We join paws with you and add The White Dog Army's newly stronger energies to yours sending healing, positive thoughts, and comfort to all our furfriends and their humans in need.

1000 Goldens said...

Khyra, you are the most thoughtful friend! We hope your friends will be okay :(

Mack said...

Beautiful Khyra,
We are crossing everything we have over here that our friendzees will get well fast!


Elyse K said...

Khyra, I know your healing thoughts are going out. Cassie and I will say prayers and think good thoughts for your furiends. You and your mom are so caring. Please have her give you a big hug for me.

Thor and Jack said...

We're crossing our paws too. Sending good thoughts to Noah, Mango and all our friends who needs them.

Thor and Jack

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I went to share some healing thoughts with Mango too...
it is so very sad..

And I went to leave some love for Noahs family

I sit beside you,,, right now