Featuring Flowers, Furiend, And Frogs

This was from our Wednesday evening walk

This was when Mom khame out of the building

It was kind of khool and skhary - and later khaused the khancellation of MY walk - khan woo believe that?
Here is a video of some of the pre-rain fun

Mom snagged this one last Saturday morning
Now fur some flowers



The plantings at The Khlub entrance







Clooney's dad was doing the lawn when we walked by - he smiled fur us!



Note the special snooter flower


Froggeh Time!


She hopes Norwood likes her pikhs!

That was a residual Harley toy - and yes, it was like Merdie and Harley's beans khoming ovFUR - with multiple toys and stuffs to put away prior to leaving!
Here's one last video fur the week - Mom snagged this Sunday night whilst we were having our last bit of fun at Khamp Khyra
Happy FrEYEday EvFURRYone!
Khyra and The Golden Khousins By Proxy
PeeEssWoo: Chikhk-zilla is showing signs of fledging early - so they will be watching in khase he needs help - I've updated the pikh on the sidebar!
What beautiful flowers, Khyra.:) We hope Merdie and Harley will be back at Khamp Khyra soon.:)
Natural, Homemade, All-Purpose Cleaner
Teddy Bear & Sierra
hey Khyra,
Very cool sky pictures from your mom. Sorry your walk was canceled, but storms can be a bit scary if they hit when you are out walking. The windy video your mom took looked a bit intimidating, so I think she made a good call to not have you walking in that. You might have blown away!
The flowers are looking so pretty! But the "snooter flower" was the best! ;->
Merdie is a beauty as always, especially being a frog. And your Saturday night romp with the cousins looked pawsome!
Iris's are mom's favorite! She even has a tattoo of one!
So nice to see such pretty flowers after seeing all the horrible destruction from all the tornado's. We are keeping everyone affected in our prayers. This has just been such a bad spring!
Holly & Khady
I don't think I've seen Clooney before. How nice of him to smile for you!
flowers! colour! they're lovely. i thought those big white and pink ones might be cammelias, but they aren't, are they? the leaves look different. beautiful whatever they are :)
We have a lot of that kind of sky lately and we don't like it at all. The storm is too scary and the thunder is too loud.
Your flowers are so pretty, I like spring, it's a beautiful time of the year.
Love those peonies. Beautiful flowers, froggie legs, and awesome sky shots. Our Grandpa on our Dad's side always said if the wind came first, the storm wouldn't be so bad, seems to work that way here most of the time. Hope all the storms have moved past you and haven't caused any more trouble.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
So many pretty things around your estate. Of course YOU are the most beautiful. Stay cool today, OK?
There have been some very scary skies lately and lots of postponed walks.
Our peonies and roses are blooming too - so pretty. Poppies are just starting but the rains keep knocking them down - :(
All those gorgeous flowers! The combination of homesick, jealously and a lack of green things and flowers in my life is keeeeeeling me!
Great sky pics, too! And then there's that sweet Merdie
Happy, Waggin' Tails, FUREVER!
Stumpy and me
Beautiful flowers!!
We don't walk during storms either. We live in the woods, and there are too many old trees that could fall on us, not to mention the lightning...
Gorgeous flowers! How quickly the snow melts and the garden comes back....
Khancellation of a walk means extra walks later! The flowers in your neighborhood are so pretty and Clooney looked very happy to see you Khyra! We love seeing froggie Merdie!
We can't decide if the sky pictures or the flower pictures are more beautiful! They are both just stunning!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Khyra, you are a great gardener, your flowers are bootiful.
Hamish & Sophie
what great flowers :)
Such pretty flowers!
You're making me jealous with all those pretty flowers blooming down your way. Were all those flowers your mom's?
As usual, beautiful pictures, Khyra!
Beautiful flowers! Great pictures!
Thor and Jack
Outstanding photos of skies and flowers this week, Khyra! And great to see Sweet Merdie too!
PS: Fernant is still biting my ears...
So many purrty flowers! We have had gloomy skies like that lots too!
Purrty Merdie!!!!!
We are glad to see Clooney out and about!
I'm sure there will be more campers at Kamp Khyra soon! I loved the flowers, especially that rare snooter flower!
The neighborhoods is looking bloomin' wonderful! And it looks like if you continue coaching him, that Harley might have a future in pup wrestling. Is that floof I see, getting ready to blow off your back, Miss Khyra?
Have a wonderful extended holiday weekend! Hoping for good weather and relaxing times for everyone there. Any transport angel work?
That first sky photo is stupendous! I love the flowers - it will be like that here soon! I'm sure of it.
Finally, I always love seeing our friend Merdie!
Wow! Scary skies and beautiful gardens... And the Snooter Flower was my favorite!!!
Oh oh oh... I have to tell you. The Reufus lies on the floor the exact same way as Miss Merdie!!! [Doctor Mark thinks he might be double jointed?!?]
*happy sigh* Your photos always make me feel good!
with love from the Bleu
I think Clooney is kind of a cool name for a dog... maybe you've covered this before, but is he named after George?
Sure are some pretty flowers. We love the frog photos, they always make us smile. :)
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