Mom's day at work wasn't any less hekhtikh BUT she handled it better - she's decided she khan only do what she khan do - and despite the fakht she's the weight of two smaller humans, she's only one person -
Happy FrEYEday to all!
Mom's day at work wasn't any less hekhtikh BUT she handled it better - she's decided she khan only do what she khan do - and despite the fakht she's the weight of two smaller humans, she's only one person -
Happy FrEYEday to all!
Yikes the sky went from beautiful to scary in seconds..
Benny & Lily
No walk? Maybe you'll get TWO walks tomorrow!
We like the flowers but the rainy looking sky doesn't look like much fun. We're glad your mom isn't stressing over work so much either. She's right in that she khan only do what she khan do!
Your flowers are in line with what is happening in our hood this week, your weather too...a bit of sun, a lot of rain!
Khyra, tell your mom to take a deep breath and don't forget to have some mom time :)
I hope nice walk weather will come back soon
for you. We've been having hot hot skies here..!
Then it will suddenly turn dark too but then no rain..
Just slight drizzle..
Have a great weekend Khyra!! ;))
Lots of pretty today! Love the skies and flowers, and you fo khourse!
Tell mom, in cse she's not khounting...2 down, 2 to go!
I hope your weather gets better and you have some lovely walks!
- Charlie
Yesterday in Malaysia, the sky looked scary just like that! It was so windy too. These days we've been having such a freak weather.
We hope the weather is better tomorrow so you can go for an extra long walkie.:)
Teddy Bear & Sierra
We just love the froggies on the park bench! We are hoping to see Mr. Sun too, Khyra!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Melissa is right about the weather here. We had a five hours heavy rain accompanying with thunders and lightnings, it was really scary!
I hope your weather turned out better at last!
Have a great weekend!
My Momma says the work place will always provide more than can be done in a day and that it is important to just do what you can do and not succumb to companies that try and squeeze the life out of you. Glad I don't have those problems.
It's so annoying that you're getting too much wet and we're not getting any at all...
Your Mom's attitude is the right one. Life is for living, not being weighed down by impossible expectations!
Wow! Scary sky up your way. We have been informed that this may be our last rainy day for a while. Hoping this follows a pattern for you too.
gussie n teka
Bummer on the rain, MFT. We have it too, but at least there have been some dry spells during the day for us to be able to get that walk in. The peonies from our post the other day have all been knocked down by the rain too, such a shame because they are so pretty.
Hope the workweek zooms by for Mom.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hope the blue skies are on their way to you for the weekend! It's usually the other way round so I think we have your sunshine - sorry but we're keeping it ;-) Dex & Lou x
What is WITH this RAIN. Why are you gettin Buckets of THIS stuff and couldn't even get a decent SNOW all winter??? Not right.
Yep. the PF is gonna think it is a DUK fur sure.
We had sunshine for a few minutes, but now it looks like rain... AGAIN. Hrmph.
I can't beleive all the rains you guys are getting!! I hope you dry out soon before you start getting fins!
We have very khonsiderate rains. They khome only at night.
Misty the alpha Poodle
I kind of want that three frog statue...
Hi Khyra! We are sorry that it is so rainy where you are right now - we have sun today but are supposed to get some rain this weekend - maybe it is because the sun is headed your way! At least the rain is good for all the plants that need it!
Yep, our sky is looking purrty gloomy lately too! We get sun for one day and then several days of gloom.
That is right, your Mom can only do what she can do. No need to stress about it.
Hooray, Khyra is top of post.
Remy and Flash
Hi, beautiful Khyra! I like the flowers, but not the stormy sky. Happy weekend!
Your admiring fan,
hey Khyra,
Furry sorry you did not get a walk, but I am sure your mom will make it up to you when she can. We are really sad to read she is having such a hectic time at work, and we hope it gets much better soon. Hang in there!
We are having a lot of rain and clouds too. The sky pics are very cool! As are your three froggie friends! :->
I hates rainy days. Though, it is nice to stay with Mom and Dad and watch the tee-vee. :)
Wishing you gorgeous weather for the weekend...the kind that is just perfect for walks, and flower photos, and transports, and de-stressing!
Hey Khyra!
Wow, great cloud pix! Mom is going all SQUEEEEE about that froggie thing. She loves froggies and says they would definitely be happy with all this water!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
We're glad your mom figured out she's only one person. If she thinks she's two, she'd be a split personality.
Nice pics! I saw some awesome clouds yesterday and even a peek at the blue sky! Hopefully, we'll see more blue rather than gray this week! Happy (hopefully dry) riday!
Hi Khyra
I wish I had some froggies like you. I know froggies enjoy the rain,, but doggies don't so much do they?
The clouds are beautiful but scary looking
A day without a walkie... is not the best day, right?
Your mom is sooo right!
My mom thinks the same. You do what you can do... no stress... no pain....
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Shame about the rain. We actually have sun here today.
I was thinking,,, about your moms job,,,,
i hope things calm down soon,
after all,, moms can only handle so much.
Those are some scary storm skies.
Can't believe how much that flower bloomed in just a week time.
The frogs do look awful happy. :)
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