Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Whitney's Whikhked Whednesday

Taking time to smell the flowers
Khyra Purple and Xterra Orange
Sleepy innocent me
Evil Eye Me!
Irish me fur my furiend in MS
AM Patio Me
How's this one Mom?
Tues AM Me - she brought the flashie beastie up to bed with us
More Tues AM Me - if only she'd turned the flashie beastie on more khwikhkly she would have had a pawesome shot with all four paws in the air - I love to tease her when it khomes to pikhs!
A few from Merdie's stay at Khamp Khyra
Your Merdie Moment
Monday's blooms heading towards the house
Then a pikh up the street at them
A magnolia
Mom is thinking she'll do TWO Photobukhket albums this week - one fur skEYE/khloud pikhs and one fur trees and things - things have been extra specially beaWOOtiful so she wants to share them with all of woo!

She noticed the fruit cherry in the yard had begun to blossom as well so she khame out fur some pikhs - and whilst she was just mom'ing around in the yard THIS HAPPENED - woo might want to chekhk it out!

We're glad woo enjoyed seeing the PF's khondo - I'll make sure she stops bakhk there again!


'Whitney' & Khousin Merdie By Proxy


Life With Dogs said...

I really miss your part of the country this time of year. We don't have as many flowering trees up this way.

Ever get a shot of Khyra by those trees? It would be a keeper...

the booker man said...

those flowers 'n trees sure are pretty, miss khyra. say hihi to cousin merdie for me!
the booker man

Jacqueline said...

So many awesome, beautiful Khyra pictures!!...And you really do have a paw pillow like us!!MOL...Merdie is a cutie too...Love the photos of the gorgeous trees too; there is beauty all around you!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Lorenza said...

Those trees look sooooo beautiful, Khyra!
Merdie! Glad to see her!
And you had a very nice roaching today!
Kisses and hugs

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh we love the Merdie moment, course the Khyra moment too.
How in this big world do you have so many beautiful things blooming Khyra?
At my house in the mountains- only some daffodils and tulips are blooming- no trees.
Your moms photo buckets are awsome- so nice she shares.

houndstooth said...

Those pictures prove that you don't have a bad side! You look great in all of them!

That looked suspiciously like The Cheoah slide!


Scout and Freyja said...

How absolutely GORGEOUS! 90! We won't see 90 until July - if even then! We thought we were doing good with it being in the 50s!

BeadedTail said...

Some of those pictures aren't too innocent Khyra! You are going to drive the boys wild!

Love the Merdie moment!

Beautiful trees in your neck of the woods!

Khady Lynn said...

You go girl!!! Love your rolley video!! I LOVE to do that!

Your trees are absolutely beautiful! The daffodils in our yard are starting to come up, along with the iris's, but nothing like your flowers! Spring has definitely sprung there a bit sooner than here!

Khady Lynn

Stella said...

Your flowering trees are soooo beautiful. I love the Cherries (?) as they go down the street. I have a pretty Ornamental flowering crabapple tree and its pink and gorgeous for about 30 minutes before the flowers start falling, but we love it! The birds leave the berries on it all year long, through the summer, fall and all winter and then, right now a whole herd of birdies comes and eats everyone of them. Some years its Cedar Waxwings and some years its Robins (like this year).


Teddy Bear said...

Love the sleeping pawsitions, Khyra. I love sleeping on my back too.:) Please say hi to Merdie for us.:) My Mommy says the trees are just beautiful!

Teddy Bear

Kate said...

Great colours in the flowerpatches today!

Merdie!!!!!! Merdie!!!!!! Merdie!!!!!!

Great shots, I hope you were paid well for the shoot, especially with the risque poses he he he!

Koda MD

Yas said...

Hi khyra! Nice blooms!! Sure makes one feel refreshed and joyful just watching em! Happy Wednesday!!


Sheba of West Africa said...

What beautiful flowers, Khyra! Love your poses too!


Maxmom said...

Oh how wonderful to be celebrating spring! The blossoms are gorgeous!
Khyra looks in her element too!
Sending lotsaluv and lotalicks

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

The flowering trees are just awesome. As are whoo two.

D.K. Wall said...

Mom asked did you have fun at the end of that video? Are you kidding? We Sibes ALWAYS have fun left to our own devices. Great Whicked pictures this month.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

It's looking like SPRING FEVER, Khyra!


Sam said...

I am amazed at the beauty of your home!

Maybe you're always rolling on your back so you can look up at the clouds, sky, and trees!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Khyra, what a cute tummy you have! Mommy wants to come and give you some skritches!!!

Chris and Ricky said...

Such beautiful trees - this warm, non-siberian weather has really brought the trees out. It's gorgeous but really too hot too soon, you know?

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Oh we loved seeing all the pretty flowers.

You are a tease Khyra.

Hi Merdie


PS: Mom put this contraption called a harness on me last night, she says I am going to help her pull the wagon. ~Fenris

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

As always, very cute pictures of you :)

Love seeing the pics of the trees and flowers.

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Those trees are amazing! GAWD! How I mess them...and the smell of magnolia wafting in the windows. I'm homesick!

Nice roach and roll, Khrya!

Raising Addie said...

Pennsylvania does have the best spring!

We love to roll around on the ground too! Wonder what you found to roll in?

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey

the magic sleigh said...

Wooos Khyra! nice playdog shots today, but my favorite was woo rolling in the grass, one of my favorite things.... nothing like a good roll!
Mum says, lovely trees and flowers!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful

The Meezers or Billy said...

woo look furry snuggly Khyra!

Thor and Jack said...

Love all your poses, Khyra! You look so cute!
Beautiful trees too!
Merdie look so sweet. Thanks for sharing her.
Have a great day!

Amrita said...

Love to see you relaxing, The blossoms are so pretty

Jack & Moo said...

Ha-roo roo, your photo series makes us laugh today - you're such a ham! Gorgeous flowers!!!

jack a-roo & moo too

Mack said...

We love Khrya glamour shots - keep 'em coming!!

Selba said...

Nice pictures of you, Khyra!

The Magnolia look beautiful.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Great drop rock and roll vid, MFT and some wonderful WWW shots too. The flower show was pawesome too. Now let's hope the rains and winds don't cme and spoil them too soon.

Woos, the OP Pack

Rachel said...

Oh Khyra the blooms are so lovely and SMELLY this time of year, aren't they?

Ina in Alaska said...

Thank Woo for the lovely blooming tree pictures... they are not seen in Alaska and are a gorgeous sight for snow sore eyes!! We must say that Miss Khyra would enjoy the 2 inches of snow which fell to the ground on Tuesday night~! xoxo

kissa-bull said...

oh we loved furry much all the diffrent "you's" in the pikshures but eshpecially the innocent you sleepy time one
pibble sugars and wee wags
the pittie pack

The Oceanside Animals said...

Hussy it up, Khyra!

Anonymous said...

Your trees are amazing! Wish I could pee on them.

Josie said...

Khyra, we just love loooking at you and reading everything you sayyyyy. Your flowers are so pretty and so are you. Love you, much love, Woof! Josie

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Gotta stop and smell the flowers!

SeaThreePeeO said...

The Magnolia blooms are really beautiful.

Mack and Mia said...

Uhhh....Khyra....Mack is putting your pictures up in his side of the bed. He has a crush on woo! You better not post anymore pictures like that because they are taking over and blocking my pictures of Mango.

Wags and Woofs,

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Mango must be drooling Khyra...that is some great floof shots!!

Mama is LOVING your blooms!!


Sally said...

Wow, the trees are beautiful.
Thank you for sharing the pictures.

Nice woooh

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Furry cool BLOOMS!

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

Mochi and Bali said...

Bummer! I gotta come back and watch the video!

Love all the beautiful pics and the Whikhked Whitney part! :)


Anonymous said...

Khyra, you looks sooooooooooooo relaxed. You're like a gold medal relaxer! Your flowers are very much pretty. No flowers here cuz it's snowing today. Can you believes it?

Wiggles & Wags,

Ruby and Penny said...

You're adorable Khyra.
Love Ruby & Penny

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

GREAT shots, Khyra!! The flowers are all SOOOO pretty....AND you too, of course!!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

JD and Max said...

Hi Khyra - ah, we always enjoy our Merdie moment! Sleeping is a serious business and your sleeping positions show that you are indeed top dog! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

LuLu and LoLLy! said...

Dear Khyra, We stopped by to wish you a good week and wow! Super duper bee-u-ti-ful pikchurs! We love flowers!! Love, your PaLs, LuLu and LoLLy!

Pat Wahler said...

Looks like beauty abounds! Don't you just love spring!

Martine said...

Those are trees by your house khyra?! Oh how lucky you are to get to see those in person!!! Beautiful!

We love all the photos of you and of Merdie!

xo martine & the kiddlets

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Where did you learn to pose like that Khyra--You are the envy of all dog-models!!! Your trees are lovely, before we moved to the country our street looked like that too, spring is really in the air for us isn't it?!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Holy Bloom Explosion!!!!! So purrty!!!

And those pictures of you and Merdie!! Wowie!!! Floofiness extraodinaire!

Jan said...

Thanks for the pikhtures of the tree blooms. Our beautiful almond and fruit tree blooms are all gone.

Misty the alpha Poodle

Sierra Rose said...

Great set of pix!! Hi Khyra and Merdie!!! Love the fruit tree blooms!

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

KB said...

Wow, the flowers... You're making me pine for spring, real honest-to-goodness warm spring.

Khyra sure is good at lounging!

Sophie Lou said...

Gorgeous pictures! I love the eyes completely closed when sleeping. So puppy-like.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Your trees are very beautiful, they are well ahead of ours hee.. A great favourite of mums is magnolia. Thank you for showing us. Now Khyra we got a treat of photo's today with you in all your glory.. A Merdie fix too.All good stuff.. Hugs GJ xx

Kari in Alaska said...

you only smelled them right? no watering of such pretty flowers allowed!

Duke said...

Great roaching moves, Khyra!
Your trees and flowers in bloom are just gorgeous!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

You look so adorable (as usual) Merdie too (as usual). And, your tree~lined street is lovely!

dw said...

Khyra, I'm glad you got to stop and smell the flowers. We all know how much you love the snow, but now that it's gone, it's nice to see you're embracing the spring! Great pics of the blooming trees, too!

White Dog Blog said...

The flowers and blooming trees are gorgeous!And you are, too, Khyra! Right after watching the video of your horizontal mambo in the grass I was overtaken by the urge and went out to the yard for a twisting greeny roll.

Sagira said...

You're so cute.
I love when the trees have the flowers on them, they look so pretty.

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hi Khyra, Merdi, and Phill,
Those trees are soso beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Things down here are blooming like crazy too. We use to have a hundred or so dogwoods and now we only have a few. Years of not enough water from the sky and one by one they died!!!
A great post as usual Phiill.
XXOOXX, Bambi & Fern

Ruby's Raiser said...

It's nice to see the blooms in the east; we're NY'ers in CO so we're happy to see a brave crocus or two peek out of the ground! Another 4-5 inches of snow this morning, we thought of Khyra, but then we blinked and it was gone!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow Khyra all those trees are so beautiful! We don't have anything quite that special around here! And you look beautiful as always - and Merdie looks great too!

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

Such pretty flowers/trees!

Wish I could come to "Khamp Kyra" it sounds like soo much fun!


Nubbin' Tails said...

Bloomin flowers how wonderful. We woke up to snow this morning! Which meant wet feet. :-( But we got to go to daycare so the day wasn't a total loss!


Mr. Nubbin'

Emma Rose said...

Oh how beautiful! Magnolia trees are amazing. We don't have those here. Thanks for sharing yours :)

Emma Rose

Joe Stains said...

WOO best day of the month for sure!! It looks super nice there these days, I think it was warmer there than it was here recently.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, such beautiful blooms. The dog isn't bad looking either. Kidding, Khyra. You're the star of the post.

Amber and Nala said...

What gorgeous weather and blooms you have been seeing! Not as gorgeous as you though! Those sleeping pics of you are so sweet! That baseball toy looks very fun too.


How Sam Sees It said...

Did you spend the day lounging around? Those trees are so beautiful!


ocmist said...

We just had a bunch of flowering trees a few weeks ago, and then the blooms dropped and it looked like it had snowed under them... SO PRETTY!

Loved the pics of you, and of Merdie, too. Tell her hi from us! The CCC

Dexter said...

Miss Khyra! Good thing I waited to read this until I was feeling better. I think my heart rate is elevated again.
