Whilst Mom took pikhs of the sour cherry and lilakhs

I khooled down from our walk

Up khlose and pawsonal!
Speaking of up khlose, take a look at this sekhwence of pikhs from the day it was so FREAKIN' hot here - when it was 90 degrees in APRIL

Khan woo believe it?

I mean look at it!

Dancing around and stuff

I believe it was getting ready to moon me

Starting to assume the pawsition

'til I said BE GONE WITH YE!

Damn tree eskhape again

All BroFur shots this week - Butterskhotch was out on missions - we saw her but no photo opps fur her this week



Mom says this is one of her favourites of him

He decided the shoot was ovFUR

He was here waiting fur the 'storm' to khome through Thursday night

It was all blowy and getting khool again!

Tail tukhked up!

We saw this bird on our furst walk on Thursday

Khwite the khool swan, eh?

Blah blah cherry trees

The furst of the storm khlouds rolling along the hills Thursday night - it nevFUR did materialise here into much more than some rain AND KHOOL TEMPS!!! 'They' had us ready for 50+mph winds and lightning but our sekhtion of York didn't get any of that

Blah blah lilakhs

She'll get more pikhs as more of the blooms do their stuff AND she says she'll enjoy their fragrance fur all of woo that said they LOVE the lilakhs! She's noticed the flowering cherry has 'sploded as well and will get some pikhs of that one too

I will leave woo with one last flower!
Happy Saturday All!
We hear squirrel is khwite tasty. Who khould blame you.
We love the flowers, especially the foofy final one. Almost makes us wish we didn't have Poodly-tails.
Misty the alpha Poodle.
Wow!! You're lucky to be that near a squirrel!! I'm so jealous!! I'll get one one day!! Sigh- a husky can only hope..
Love the close up of your beautiful face and that last flower!!MOL...The swan cloud was really cool!...We enjoyed the Butterscotch photos too, he's a handsome mancat!...Have a fun day!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
We like the last flower the best. Mom likes the swan cloud......
Do you think its Brofur's best pic cos it covers half his face?
Maximum Floof!
And - I bet that squirrel mooned from high above in the escape tree
PFFFT! Fancy it mocking you like that
Koda MD
Brofur is really making himself at home! What great pics!
90 degrees is really warm. It was really warm here too! But this weekend is cooling down a lot.
love the flowers and yr fluffy tail!!
have a great weekend!!
The last picture is my favourite. I agree with your mum on the Butterscotch one.. I can not believe you let the squirrel get so close..Wow it was teasing you there. Good job there was a tree handy.. Loved all the flowers and can sell the lilacs from here.. Hugs GJ xx
Close ups - front and rear.
So, so close to that squirrel critter.
Great pix, Khyra!
ohhhhhhhhhhh, the last picture is the best, Khyra! Your floofy tail is the prettiest flower of all! Does it smell like a lilac too?
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Y 'll look adorable also the flowers
Loved your up close and personal shot. And your phloofy pantaloons :)
Hi Khyra
You have a very brave squirrel living in your yard.
Love Ruby & Penny
Pees - we woke up to snow this morning.
What was that squirrel thinking coming so close to you? Must've been the heat affecting his little squirrel brain! If it weren't for that tree, you would've had him!
I'm sorry it's so hot.
But watch out for those stupid squirrels!!!!
aww Miss Khyra you're flowah is in FULL BLooM! that squirrel asked for it. i could hear his teasing chattah--pfft! don't mess with a hot huskie doggie. luv the swan sky..
great way to end a week:)
stay cool,
the temps dropped down to 37 this am.
that was soooooo close! Next time you will be the winner. Be sure to save some for Brofurr, and maybe a bit for Merdie.
Wow, you were so close to that squirrel, MFT. Won't be long. And we agree that shot of Brofur is really very nice. We love the lilac shots but the floofy tail is quite the bloom as well.
Happy Saturday.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Can't believe that squirrel was taunting you like that! One of these days, he won't be quick enough to escape up that tree.
Pugs & Kisses
Yoda & Brutus
Aw, Khyra, I love that close up of you - tell mom to frame it!
I can't believe you were that close to a squirrel, either. Good work!
That squirrel had some nerve. You looked so powerful in motion. Butterscoth looked rather put out, on the other hand, strutting away in exasperation!
We've never seen a swan in the sky ... in fact, we've never seen a swan fly! That was special!
And best of all? That last flower was the best, Khyra!
You are so pretty.
Fergi and Jake ooxx
I am so impressed with those action shots! The squirrel would have been gone before I even lifted my camera!
All that green and flowers make us sooooo homesick. This is NOT the time of year to be stuck in the desert!
Your slideshow, as always, is awesome! there's some great sky shots in there. Iwant trees in my skyshots!
Oh Khyra, you look beautiful, too Except for the mooning shot. It IS a great shot as bum shots bo. Good thing you've got pantaloons or I would be sugggesting rear gear as a needed assessory (sp?)
The lilakhs are lovely, we don't think you can grow them here.
Hi BroFur.
Khyra, would you like us kitties to come over and help you catch that squirrel we will follow him up the tree. ~AFSS
That last flower was the bestest one.
What the heck was that Tree Rat thinking????? That is scary.
Guess What... my wimmen said that they woke up to SNOW this morning. Poor babies.
90 deg in April. Oh my! Come to our snow!!!
Your tail is my fave!!!! Floofy, I think that you call it?
Oh, darn those pesky squirrels anyway!
I can'ts believe the NERVE of that evil squirrel invader - taunting you likes that! Oh...they are cheeky, aren't they?
I likes the last picture. What's that flower called? The Floof Bloom?
Wiggles & Wags,
We'll take your blooms if you will come here and take some of our snow!
Does that last flower smell good?
Gorgeous!!! Where did all the snow go? It looks like winter never happened. Khyra looks awfully pretty amongst the green and flowers.
My mom says 90 degrees sounds wonderful but that is because she is crazy.
I wish I could visit ur state! It looks vurry pretty from all the pikshers. :)
Quite the cheeky little thing, that squirrel. Your patience will pay off and one of these days......he's yours!
Great clouds, skies, trees, flowers, & FT's!
jack a-roo & moo too
PS - mom says she LOVES that close up of your beawootiful face -- we do too!
It's beautiful by you, Khyra! Nothing's blooming yet over by us. Except for weeds and dandelions, which I'd rather not have around at all.
I love your up close and personal shot! That might be my favorite Khyra pickh ever.
And, I love your floofy pantaloons! I'm waiting for Layla's to grow back, she lost them all when she lost her winter coat.
Sunny khittties, lovely skies and tail floof! Now that is a cheering line-up, Khyra!
And guess what? The new Percheron is from PA, "just up" the I-80 from you, in Centre Hall! We'll put a photo on the blog tomorrow!
Whoa! That was one brazen squirrel! Very nice photo documentation of the event too!
I agree with mom on the nice kitty pic. Your floof has never looked floofier!
Hi Khyra,
beautiful shot of your feathers! Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend now that Spring has finally arrived! Yeah!!!
Riley and Star.
Hi Khyra,
We're quite overcome by today's photos! That 'up close and pawsonal' snap is lovely - we could gaze into your eyes forever. Your 'ready to spring' photo too - oooh, you are one sporty lady! And finally that floofy butt shot - woah!! We think we need a little lie down now....!
Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Boy, that squirrel has got a lot of nerve.
We bet he is back shaking in his nest.
Hamish & Rescue Sophie
It sure did look hot there, Khyra!!
That cloud Swan was too kewl too!
Have a pawsome weekend!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
Now that is one nervy squirrel. They always seem to escape us too..
We love the sky pictures..
What a beautiful tail you have Khyra..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Khyra who did that little tree rat think he was teasing you like that? Good job letting him know who is boss
Benny & Lily
Now that squirrel has SOME nerve! Way to chase him away...darn tree though. You need to fashion a climbing machine to get up there and get him. :) Lovin' the fluffy tail.
I'm surprised the kitties have not eaten up the squirrel. He must have been drunk to get that close! :)
Khyra, we love your up close and personal photo! Mommy wanted to give you a smooch on your nose! We also liked your action shot of going after that nervy squirrel.
Great photos of Brofur too. He's getting more photogentic and we like the one your mom likes too.
That tree rat must have had the heat stroke to get so close to woo. I bet you got his little heart thumping when you gave chase. Next time lay very still and but some peanut butter on your snooter. He will walk right in to the jaws of doom.
Thanks for your good wishes this week. Momma is still sleep depraved and no hope for her tonight as she is taking grandma and grandpa to a show and leaving me stuck at home watching baseball with peewee and master. BORING.
I guess it was really hot if you did not chase at the first second that squirrel!
I could not believe how close he was!
Beautiful flowers and yes... the last one is the best!
Kisses and hugs
That third photos is great!! Your noggen is so cute!
WE love all the flower blossom photos!
xo martine & the kiddlets
Of course we also had really warm weather too--The dogs loved eating lots of ice after playing frisbee--But then the next day I turned on the heat...What's with that??
THANKS for your good healing wishes for Hamlet!! I really do appreciate it!! :-))
These are all the most beautiful photos! The first one of Khyra is definitely mantel-worthy!
Man I miss my lilac tree in NY. And my perennial gardens. And just trees in general. Love gazing at them here at your Khorner. :)
That is a most excellent fluffy fanny flury! I am most jelly and wondering if pantyloon extentions are available online?
I like your sneak attack on the pesky squirrel...too bad the rascal got away.
I have a new neighbor and he looks like WOO! Well, not as pretty as woo...but still, he's fluffy in the right places. And he's friendly, we've already exchanged sniffies and kisses.
I has never seened a swan in the sky afore. That is totally pawsome!
Love your pictures! Beautiful dog! Come check out my adventures with my black lab named Sage!
Hi Khyra
That swan in the sky was awsome!
Just like a painting.
And then I could not believe the closeness you were to sqirrely.
How brave a soul.
Your mom has such a nice camera to get those wonderous shots of the flowers and of course beautiful YOU.
The squirrel is back??? I want to chase him! Brofur looks awfully cute!
Teddy Bear
as much as you love snow, you sure look happy out in that sun!
Wow, that Mr Squirrel was a cheeky one...hehe
We love the shot of you up close, and your fluffy tail one of course.
Great shots of Brother too!
oops, we forget to mention the swan!
That is a cool shot, we definitely see it. :)
I like how the Tasty Morsel squeezes into any available piece of shade. 90 in April is just absurd!
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