Thursday, December 31, 2009

Thankful Thinking Thoughtful Thursday

I spent some time thinking and khrossing (BIGIFY TO CHEKHK OUT THE PAW-WORK!)
and then some time chillin' on my patio with the breeze fluffing my pantyloons! It was BEAWOOTIFUL! The human real feel temp was 9F's/almost -13C's! It was one of those days where Mom khontemplates having a meter at the door to keep a running log of how long I was outside during the entire day!
Time to share two awards I got early last week
My pal Sakura the blue eyed KHAT pawed this my way
and I got these tasty buns
from a new pal Piti from Romania!
Once again more proof the blogging khommunity is worldwide!
We have such great opportunities to learn more about other khanine/khat/khritter khultures that aren't khlose to our own pawsonal bakhkyards!

Please help yourselves to any of these awards woo would like!

Of khourse, the buns look mighty tasty!

When woo visit Piti, make sure woo chekhk out the Harrod's Fashion show!

I so hope the khanines were properly khompensated!!!

Speaking of tasty
Mom and I got these furry khool pressies from two special GR GiRls!
Mom snagged this pikh whilst I was outside so as to NOT get my drooler started fur these were to be shared with MERDIE!
(the khook sokhks are to keep Mom's paws warm)
So when Merdie and her peoples FINALLY got to khome over fur khristmas pressie time, we got to khrakhk open the khan
Ready to LEAP with anticipation!
Aunt Shannon trying to help Mom and The Flashie Beastie
(Mom furst tried it on her own...that so did NOT work fur we were BOTH jumping out of our fur to get these yummy nom noms)
Air Khyra and Merdie The Rokhk (Star)
Please please please NOW!
Merdie ate hers
I was khleaning up evFURRY khrumb I khould find!
Mom divided up the bounty and sent Merdie home with some
Don't they look sooooo tasty?
(Mom says they were khwite yummy too...something about making sure I would like them...what's with THAT?)
TANK WOO Sammie and Sierra Rose!!! It was sooooo furry pawesome of woo to share some treats with both of us!
(Akhtually, the pikhs of Merdie Tuesday's post were the afterglow of her yummy tummy)
Time to start thinking about the new year
and think bakhk on the one about to end

We've lost too many furiends but the cirkhle of life khontinues in that we've made many new ones too!

Mom hit the adult beverage store on Tuesday (I ROTE'd with her) so we'll be set to PAWTY IN 2010 with our pals on The DWB!

We hope to snoof woo there!



PeeEssWoo: Some of woo khommented on hearing my mom tell the mail kharrier about Merdie's biskhuits! WELL, since my snooter is always on to the good stuff, The Doggy Nanny had to stash Merdies's pressie on an upper shelf in the pantry until Merdie khould khome ovFUR fur them. Merdie's peoples expekhted to be ovFUR Saturday night so The Doggy Nanny got their stuff out. They ran out of time that night and didn't make it.

WELL, when Mom left fur the run to get Kota and Isis, The Doggy Nanny went upstairs fur a bit and furgot Merdie's pressie was now unattended. I managed to khonsume just about the entire pakhkage of them (it was almost the size of a khoffee khan). When Mom got bakhk, she noticed a few on the khounter but didn't know why they were there until The Doggy Nanny spilled the beans on me! Mom knew I would be full bekhause that was a lot of stuff fur me and only gave me a bit of my Khalifurnia Naturals L&R - which I left!

The Doggy Nanny had given me the same pressie so I pawnated it to Merdie and told her I was sorry fur eating hers!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Walkin' Wednesday 2009

The Last Walkin' Wednesday Fur 2009I hope
Woo've enjoyed
The views!

Here is the link to this week's Walkin' Wednesday! The video inkhludes lots of kikhking akhtion along with a special appearance by my mail kharrier!

Walkin' Wednesday will be bakhk fur 2010 in TWO weeks!

Next week is the FURST Wednesday of the month...and we all know what THAT means!



Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tuesday Telling

One of my Sunday pikhs
And now to tell about what Merdie has been up to
She's been lounging in the snow
Of khourse, these pikhs were from last week
Unkhle Paul had them in his iPhone
He said Merdie loved it like I do! She just immersed herself and wanted to be one with The White!
Sunday night Mom spotted this on Aunt Shannon's Facebook page
This explains why I've haven't seen Merdie fur a while...she's been touring and pawtying like a RokhkStar GiRl !

Merdie and her peoples did make it ovFUR Sunday night to exchange khristmas pressies - more about that on Thursday but here are some pikhs of evFURRYone's pal Khousin Merdie
The patented Merdie resting pose
From the other side!
Smiling Merdie
Pensive Merdie
I posted this one to Mom's Facebook page last night to share with a certain GR Guy in Texas - he's khwite the mannerly charmer - and he's khwite good about sharing his affekhtions with another special GiRl who resides in Master Chew Sits He's khurrently woo'ing both of 'em with pekhans from HIS pekhan plantation!

Merdie told me she misses all of woo...she really misses the walking with me! At one point, Mom said the W word and Merdie's ears did the OMD thing!

Maybe I khan get Aunt Shannon and Unkhle Paul to pawmit Merdie to khome fur a sleepover SOON!

See woo tomorrow fur Walkin' Wednesday!


Khyra & Khousin Merdie

PeeEssWoo: Mom says thanks fur the kind words about Saturday and Sunday's transports!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Monday MOMday

Woo khan see I am NOT happy about this
I should NOT be laying in GRASS
This is now on The Towel inside The Door!

Since Mom has SOOOO many pikhs of OTHER khanines to share today, I've khurtailed my pikhs!

I'll let Mom share her weekend's passengers!

Khyra's Mom here!Twister and AustinI got them in Hagerstown Saturday afternoonTwister napped much of the trip to Harrisburg Austin watched a bit more! Austin was a Chow mixWhat do you think of THAT coat and colouring? Twister was a heeler mix

Here is their Photobucket is the same one I included in Khyra's Sunday post...they were GREAT boys!


Meet Kota and Isis

Kota is a Siberian; Isis is a Husky/Shep Mix!Kota travelled with her pillowIsis hung out behind me whilst Kota napped enroute from Hagerstown to HarrisburgShe watched out the window from time to timeHmmmm...something about the paws!Yep: THE PAWS!Isn't she beautiful?And isn't she beautiful too? She's laughing at the life she left behind because she is soon to be a spoiled Siberian! Of course, she travelled all the way from Atlanta to meet them!She hopped back in my vehicle when I went back to get their paperwork to hand off to Lisa and Brian. I think she liked me!What a pair of stunning canines!This transport was so very was Saturday's!

Here is their Photobucket Link which includes bunches of videos...and here is the link to just the slideshow of pics. I threw in some scenery shots to provide a contrast of the weather! Although both days had temps in the mid to upper 40's, the skies look quite a bit different!

One of the videos includes a woman that passed us travelling through the industrial park and u-turned back so she could see the dogs. She had recently lost her 17 y/o Husky/Shep boy. Petting Isis was great therapy for her. She showed me her necklace which included some of his ashes...she shared some tears...and some hugs too!

Once again, I want to thank Angel Dakota of The East and her mom ALONG with Frankie Furter of the great state of O hi O and his mom for their contributions to this weekend's runs! Frankie suggested we call the transport

As for naming a transport... How about calling it... The Blog Buddies trip to the future. ????

I'm sure Austin, Isis, Kota, and Twister are wagging their tails in appreciation!

Kota and Isis are now with their furever families! One of them travelled all the way from RHODE ISLAND for their girl!

Khyra will be back tomorrow to tell 'stuff' - and I have no idea what she intends to paw about!

Hugz&Khysses from Khyra's Khorner