This is my 700th post!

(akhtually, that is my other neighbour - 'Chloe' The Flat Dog lives on one side)
Mom tells me her transport was furry fun! Mom and her pups (my mom named their Photobukhket Album Victoria and The Ten Speeds) smelled good on my mom! That is always a bonus! She said they kharried on fur the furst miles - then settled down to sleep. They also knew the travel drill: as Mom got off the ramp fur Khabelas/Hamburg, they started singing again! I've heard their videos: JUST WAIT UNTIL WOO HEAR 'EM TOO!
Mom did take twice as long to get bakhk to me - about five or so miles from the I81/I78 split, traffikh suddenly khame to pretty much a khreepy khrawly standstill - which khontinued fur about five or so miles past the split - well, Mom kept expekhting to see SOMETHING that had khaused it...well, she's still looking! We are guessing it was just the holiday traffikh! She was khwite 'relieved' to get home when she did!
I will turn it ovFUR to her now!
Thanks Khyra - yes, I was quite relieved to get home!
Here are Victoria and Her PuppiesAt The Cracker Barrel in Harrisbug

and if you check out that link and/or google Redbone you will see for yourself! Kate said a relative of hers breeds Redbones - that is why she saw it soooo quickly!

Here is the link to the Photobucket Album from today with 10 videos and 61 pictures; here is the link to just the slideshow of pictures!
Whilst the videos were uploading to Photobucket, I took Khyra for a walk - during our stroll around the neighbourhood, I got this message on my crackberry:
Hi All,
Sam asked me to shoot out an email....we arrived at our final destination where several adoptive families were waiting for us. FOUR of the 10 pupsters were adopted today! Mommy Victoria was SOOOO great with everyone--almost as if she were giving her approval to each family who adopted one of her babies. She is a wonderful dog, sweet temperament and will hopefully be adopted quickly too.
Thank you to all who helped saved these great dogs from a certain death! It's been a truly THANKFUL Thanksgiving Transport!******
Khyra had mentioned in Sunday's post about a special dedication for this leg. Well, last weekend, Princess Eva and Brice The Handsome's mom sent me a message as I was heading to get Skid that one of the dogs on the weekend transport from MO to MN had gotten out during one of the first Saturday morning legs- they tried to catch her for about 40 minutes but finally had to continue. Folks continued to look for her AND local shelters/vets/etc were notified about her.
Unfortunately, Eva and Brice's mom got a note on Monday about her and posted this to FB:
The Aussie pup that escaped from from our transport this weekend has been found. Sadly she has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Please light a candle in her honor tonight and hug your pups.SO, Victoria and Her Pups were transported in the memory of the Aussie girl that didn't make it to safety 'here' - I'm sure she's been well received at The Rainbow Bridge.
Along with the Aussie girl, I also did the transport for Eva and Brice's special mom - she's been a great friend to us - and she's trying to inspire others to help with transports.
It is a way to help without having to bring another dog into your family - and it always results in many pleasant memories and the feeling of knowing you made a difference!
I mean, look at Victoria and her ten angels from Sunday? Can you imagine how close they were to NOT being 'here'?
So, thanks again for your support!
Khyra will be back to tell about things tomorrow!
Hugz&Khysses from Khyra's Khorner