Yes, woo have found Walkin' Wednesday BUT furst
If only she had known better, she would have taken more pikhs with her cell phone of the special Siberian soon to change her life!
Saturday, August 19th 2006 some woman khame by my suite at the York Khounty B&B.
As I've shared other times, she stopped in to see another dog from the website (she khan't tell woo what it was bekhause I've erased that from her mind). I wasn't on their website since I knew she was khoming. She made three laps of the kennels - spending more time with me each time she passed me - fur a total of about an hour. Of khourse, each time, I spent more and more time with HER instead of being more khoncerned with what was going on between the kennel sekhtions.
I hooked her but she didn't take me THAT day - she wanted to make sure PLUS she had to file the applikhation after she asked a few more khwestions about me!
Here is how I prepared fur this week's Walkin' Wednesday segment...

It worked and here it is the l i n k t o i t !
I hope woo enjoy it!
Don't furget to khatch Day Two of As the Paw Turns
It inkhludes my scene (even if there is a slight miskhue...I guess it will be one of those things that will show up in the fun stuff/trivia sekhtion of IMDb)
PeeEssWoo: I'm glad woo enjoyed my special names! I was furry happy to see the young pup pikhs of my mom...good thing fur I've got more hidden up my sleeves! Tank woo Doggy Nanny!
Wow I get to be the first visitor for a change! I nearly forgot that it is your anniversary coming up, and your mum's big day!
Huffle Mawson
Woo there Pretti Girl~
What a furri special thing woo did fur your Mom. Woo worked it just right and look at woo now!!! Big celebration day khoming soon.
Your BG,
HAPPY ADOPTION ANNIVERSARY! How did your mom get so lucky? She must have good kharma! Get it - Kharma! Ha!
That's great!!! ... an adoption anniversary!! I am glad it was you that your mom choose to take home!
Like your walking video!
Happy Khyra-versary! We love your gotcha story.
Khyra, I love your story and I love walking Wednesday. You and your Mom were so lucky to find each other.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Happy "Mom filled out the application" day!!!!
Your timing was perfect and it was very nice that you saved a human that day.
I won't give up on Africa if she turns out like you! Happy adoption anniversary! You found a great home!
That is just a beautiful story. I am so glad that your Mommy found you.:)
Teddy Bear
I think someone has earned some cake! Happy hump day Khyra. :)
We is always so happy ta go walkin' wif you and we are also so happy to share in your sweet story of how you met your momma. Bein' loved and bein' adopted are just the two bestest things in a dog's life☺
it was meant to be...
It's almost your Gotcha Day anniversary!
hey Khyra,
Happy Three Years of your New and Amazing Life!! Isn't it great how things work out? You and your mom are the perfect match! Glad you found each other. What would the blog-o-sphere be if you two hadn't met?
I did not know you knew how to drive motorcycles. Maybe you can teach me someday. But no cats.
Khyra, That prep work for a walk looks like hard work. Did you train for that? I sure hope your mom gave you extra treats for energy. It's always important that canines have their cliff bars during their workout too!
We're so happy you aren't behind bars anymore!
Happy Adoption day Khyra.
I'm glad you're with your mom since that day
~ Bae
A lovely story Khyra!
Great to read about happy endings and what a wonderful 'pick' she made that day!
Happy Anniversary.
Take care
Oh wow, it's your gotcha day. Thanks for sharing your story with us. How wonderful you and your mum found each other.
Sigh. I watched your walkie movie again.
Happy Adoption Day pretty Khyra!
I know your mom is super happy you chose her!
We loves your nicknames and we are so glad your Mom picked you. She was a very cute pup, we likes her childhood pictures. We shall have to dig up some of our Mommy.
We loved your guest appearance on As The Paw Turns. We are catching up on visiting today. Mommy has been being a busy beaver and not letting us visit.
Do come to Socks' party, we has something for everyone and Fenris did the WW post (it's under the birthday post). ~S,S,C & F
Oh Khyra!! I'm so happy your
Mom found you!! Where would we be without our Mommies? Where would be withour our Walking Wednesdays.
Mommy is very disappointed cause we can't watch video all of a sudden. They keep stopping and starting so we've missed a few walks.
Do you thing your Mom can take another pic if yoy with slowers. You are too pretty of a girl not to spotlight. Pretty please.
Wooos! Happy almost got Mom day! I am sure that she got sucked in by those sibe vibes working hard, you knew a good thing when you saw it!
Mango was really impressed by your pantaloons, he even remarked about them on my post! I wish I had such a fluffy tail!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Hi, Khyra...
Happy Adoption Day...
August 19th 2006 was one of the luckiest days in your's & your Mom's life...
You two belong together for sure...
Have a great day!!!
Abby xxxooo
Hqppy Anniversary Khyra - that was a very special day indeed for both you and your mom.
You looked so pretty we can see why you and your mom adopted each other.
We are glad you have such a happy home.
Good work with the Walkin' Wednesday - we will come back cos it didnt play although overnight all the people we are following have completely disappeared according to blogger!!!!
Martha & Bailey xxxx
Happy First Meeting the Mom Day to MSFTAFP!!! That would be Miss Super Fluffy Tail And Fluffy Pantaloon girl!!! Mom wants to do if she can send Phantom over for some backend brushing too:).
Sounds like the cicadas were trying to drown out the Mom.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Thank you for sharing your story. Your mom is truly a wise woman for selecting whoo.
Happy meet your mom day. Good job on convincing her you were the one. Obviously everything worked out as it should.
Tucker and Daisy
Khyra, you are a beauteous dog! You really rock those pantaloons. Looking forward to the next Walking Wednesday vlog.
Happy adoption day!
Thank goodness you were able to influence your mom with your charismatic personality and beauty!!! Imagine how sad her life would be without you...
Preparation is everything and you look like you have it down to a science....
What great walkies - such pretty flowers - and yes you look so pretty and fluffy - MJ thinks you are beautiful!! - cool guest spot on the other bloggie - saw the mistake will not mention it!!
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
We didn't know that story -- but reading it now about the day you met your Mom made us smile. Soul mates. Destiny. Fluffy tail love.
Happy anniversary to both of woo!!
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Happy Adoption anniversary to you and your mom!! Dat's a wonderful walking video! enjoy your day!!
Happy Gotchaversary!!!!!!!
we noticed the slight mistake, but you were furry good in your role!
Happy Gotcha day to you and your mom! We are glad that you two found each other. It was a great day for both of you.
Ok now on to your looks, who can resist those look from you? You should do that more often so that you get more walks out of your mom.
Sam & June
Congrats on landing an A+ biped three years ago - woo did good!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
i'm sure u stole her heart by seducing her the moment u both met
Hi Khyra
We got the video that time! You did look very pretty all brushed and fluffed up and we hope Mango didn't overheat!
We came to the conclusion today that your mom couldn't be walking us basset hounds.
We need far more time to sniff than you get!
The black eyed susans were very pretty and we had never heard of them before.
See you walkin next Wednesday!
Martha & Bailey xxxx
I noticed the little mistake! hehe
Happy first-sighting-of-Mom-and-not-being-whitney-anymore day!
You look very pretty all fluffed out like that.
Oh yes, what does Cicada's be and who was on 60 seconds?
~lickies, Ludo
Happy Adoptabirthday!
I so love your cute nose Khyra!!
Happy Gotcha Day Khyra! That is a great story and I bet your mom is happy you gotcha'd her every day!
Happy Gotcha Day--the beginning of a forever home! What a perfect story. Speaking of stories, you are quite the actress (and look amazing on a motorcycle which scares me).
happy wednesday k & p!
have a super day!
m & e
Happy Gotcha Day, Khyra!
You look so much better on the walk than behind those bars.
What a very wise choice your mom made that day, Khyra!
Your Friends,
Tommy, Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan
Oh khyra! What a lucky girl you are to have your mom! What a happy story! Hugs Joey and Kealani
Aw, Khyra, you are even prettier today than three years ago! Your mommy made a pawsome choice. :) Happy "gotcha" day!
Khyra, my mom says she would give you anything you wanted if you gave her "the look." BOL!
Happy adoption anniversary! Mine is coming up in less than 3 months.
-Mollie and BObo
Happy Gotcha Day Khyra - you are a lucky sibe!!!
So it's your Gotcha Day? Happy Gotcha Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ahhhh, it was meant to be! :) You totally hooked her! :)
Happy Gotcha-versary!!!
Your pal,
Happy adoption day. Our human doesn't do this for us so we are mastering your "look" to instill guilt in her.
Happy meeting day to you and Mom!!
Looking pretty as usual Khyra!
You were looking good on day two Khyra. It was fun working with you.. I remembered it was you and your mums special days. I have a ittle something on the way and hope it gets there in time.
Mum and dad are away from tomorrow.. Sob sob, but I will be doing my acting for next few days and will be visiting all my friends.. Have a very special day.. Khyra and Phyll.. With love GJ and carol xxx PS mum says she will try and check blg at least a couple times if possible, but not sure.. xx
Happy Adoption Day Khyra. Mom is so lucky you decided to adopt her and let her take you home..
What a wonderful walk. You certainly do have a super fluffy tail today...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Happy Furrever Home Day! You landed a real good 'un, although of course your mom won big-time, too!!
- Charlie
Happy anniversary!
Play bows,
Happy gotcha anniversary, Khyra! Your pantaloons and fluffy tail looked ever fluffier after your comb-out! We love seeing all of the pretty flowers!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Happy Gotcha Day, Khyra. Good thing your mom took you home. Another dog might not have known how to blog.
We'll have to check on part 2.
Happy Annie-furr-sary Khyra!!!! What a pawsome day fur woo and how lucky your maw was when she got woo, a furry special lady.
May woo have lots and lots and lots of many more annie-furr-saries to come!
Special snooter smooches,
Happy Anniversary! We are so happy she got you out of jail...not a place to be for a lady like you!
Kisses, Inky and Molly
I am thinking it was necessary for you to recharge after that cycle ride in the country yesterday... we did ride with the wind, didn't we?
From Maggy and Zoey and Ann, the Zoolatry Girls:
Happy Anniversary Day to Khyra and Sometimes Her Mom.
What a grand and glorious day that turned out to be!
What a wonderful day this and was! Happy Anniversary!!!
I understand real clear how your the Mom forgot who she was lookin for when she saw the you! I blush little when I tell you... but you are real heart stealer, Miss Khyra!
And I love the way you smell... in pitcher, gettin ready for your walk! I also love gettin to go on your walk wif the you... that is fun part of my the Wednesday!
Can't wait for next big celebration!
Wif love from the Luke
Happy Gotcha Day Khyra
Thank you for sharring that very special moment with us. I know it took a lot of thought and big decisions, and your mama sure made the right choice.
We are so glad your mom decided to get you! We are blessed because of you and her.
The pics of you are as beautiful ever.
Oh Khyra - I always love going on your walks with you! And I like the way you "prepared" for it...I need to do lots of recharging too! :-)
LOVE the photos of your human as a little pup - TOO CUTE!!!
Honey the Great Dane
Hi, Khyra!
As you say... things happen for a reason!
Happy Wednesday!
Kisses and hugs
Happy adoption day. Mack sends you a big sloppy wet lick on the face.
Sally Ann
Oh Khyra. that is such a nice story about how you were found. Happy Gotcha Day, Sweetie!!
I really like the way that you prepare for a walk. You have it down perfect!! hehe...
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
What a great day for you. I know your life was changed that day but you have changed your Mom's life more than you will ever know. She is one lucky lady to have you in her life. I hope you get some extra treats for a celebration!
Happy Anniversary of the day you and your mom first saw each other! We enjoyed your walk today and your floofy tail!
Nice work convincing me to adopt you. She was lucky. And I agree with Mango.. that fluff was very nice. I loved the upclose shot.
Keep Khool
Sorry I am late in commenting Khyra!
Just wanted to wish you a belated Happy Gotcha Day!
lotsaluv Marvin xxxxxxx
oh and Jeannie xxxxxx
Happy anniversary! You and your mom were meant to be! :)
Great WW! Mom said something about having to brush my pantaloons this weekend. I gotta go hide!
Hi, Khyra -
Happy Belated Gotcha Day!
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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