Sunday Already Again?
Oh wait, that is what we say fur Monday!

Now fur more fun with Mom

Here are this weekend's passengers heading to The Last Resort Reskhue
Mom is doing one of her usual routes: Hagerstown MD to Harrisburg PA!
He is approx 2 years old. We pulled from a kill shelter in TN before he was euthanized. He is currently going to be taken into boarding in TN until transport can be arranged. If you are interested in fostering or adopting Ryon once he arrives, please fill out our foster or adoption application! He is quite the unique husky!!
UPDATE: Ryon is a total mush who LOVES LOVES LOVES attention. He is a submissive type male who adores being petted and held.
She's a 7 year old Siberian Me
(Chloe didn't end up on the transport fur various reasons but Mom decided to let me keep her pikhture here so woo khould see her. Mom found out late Saturday evening she wouldn't be khoming along. Mom was said bekhause she really wanted to meet her)
Mom will have more about these two on tomorrow's blog! I know she's excited to meet these special passengers!
Since they are Siberians, she KNOWS she had better treat them furry well or she'll have ME to answer to!
We hope you are having a furry nice weekend!
What a dilemma - trying to find a good spot to hide the bone!
I thought sure we'd be first to comment, but a cat beat us!
That is a very complicated description of where the flowers came from, but they are pretty just the same.
I'll never understand the hiding of the biscuits. Obviously you don't have a Steve that would steal it!
We used to hide our bones, but one of us always found the others' hiding places. And some dogs have no honor, not that I do.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Hurray! Looks like Blogger is going to let me post tonight! It wouldn't let me last week!
Mom LOVED your flowers... so pretty!
To bad your Mom wouldn't let you hide your bone in peace. Of course you had to finally eat it, so that she didn't sneak it from you when your back was turned.
Thanks for letting us meet those transported critters. You and your Mom do Pawsome work! OC
Those are mighty sweet passengers!
A good corner in the kitchen!
Adele, Vincent & Bella
Oh my, look at all those cuties! Khyra, I think it would be FUN to play hide and seek with you!
Teddy Bear
Hi Khyra,
it's a great place for the biscuit.
Good idea.
Nice wuuuh
Khyra, I too understand the importance of the daily snack hiding game. Once in a while I leave it and go back later in the day just to throw them completely off. They are, as you said, easily amused. The passengers are beautiful and I will hope very hard that they find forever homes very soon.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Hi Khyra
You work so hard at finding the perfect spot for your biscuit but, like us, you are relentlessy pursued by the pupparazi!
Good work despite the camera!!!
Your mom's passengers looked beautiful - every week we are amazed at how many dogs are looking for forever homes.
We are glad, like you, we finally have ours and wish all dogs the same.
Happy Sunday
Martha & Bailey xxx
bone hiding sure is fun, but i sometimes forget where i hid them..Beautiful transportees you've got there! thanks for sharing their pics with us. Mommy and i wish for them to find a loving caring home!!
What beewootiful flowers!
And mom has started giving us a milkybone with our dindins! I'm so excited!
Khyra your noms look tasty (for a woofie). I like to make my mum chase me around to get a good photo too.
We hope those sweet woofies all get great furrever homes.
We're so glad you finally got that bone tenderized and ready to eat.
Kudos to your Mom for all of her transport work. Our Mom is considering it as she gets emails forwarded to her from Sam and Laska.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
What pretty pups! I hope someone finds them a good furever home soon. I think sometimes the older ones are harder but my Mom was looking for an older one (cuz she is older herself!)
I think there must be some sort of weird vibes at your estate that provide extra yummy flavors to properly placed bones. It seems very challenging.
Hi, Khrya...
I know how you feel about the Milkbone hiding...
It's sooo hard to find just the right place...I mean they have to stay there for a whole minute before we eat them...It needs to be right!!!
Ryan is a cutie...And, Spice is almost as beautiful as you - not quite, but she's awful pretty...
Abby xxxooo
And a fhurry nice weekend back at ya
Khyra, I think you found the perfect Milkbone spot!
hi Khyra
mom is like the pupparazzi.. flashing photos of your every move. But then I can see you do your fancy biscuit bone flip toss in the air. Nice skills. Ryan and Spice are Q T pies. I know they will make someone very happy!
Those flowers are pretty! We like watching you find the purrfect spot for your milkbone!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
MFT, you are so good to entertain your Mom with your biscuit-hiding ritual. We are sure no one will find it in that corner.
Looks like Mom will have some fun today with Spice and Ryon - hugs to them from our Mom.
Happy Sunday, the OP Pack
Great pups!
Ah, Auntie Penny has beed trying to instruct me in hiding things to let them get flavour. Her favourite place be to hide them in Mum's bed under the covers, Mum especially likes that.
~lickies, Ludo
Decisions decisions Khyra..
Those pups are so cute.... Have a great transports mom. Be careful..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
The flowers are very pretty, Khyra! Thanks for sharing them with us...*grins* You're really good in finding good hiding spots!
Stumpy likes to hide her chewies under pillows but the bones must be eaten right away!!!
Thanks to you and your mom for helping the dogs to safety!!! I don't know how they don't end up at home with you!!!
hi k & p!
oh what a fun post!
it was so nice of you to give us and the milkbone a tour khyra! :)
your mom's flowers and transport work are both beautiful!
have a super day!
m & e
Thanks for sharing those flowers... We'll have to wait for the rain here to see them bloom. And your house... it looks very comfy...
We still can't believe you save your cookie for later! WHY??!!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hey aren't you supposed to be tranporting? Do you comment from the road? Silly women stop blogging and drive.. Have a great day..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi Khyra,
You always find the best hiding spots for your biscuit.
We will keep our paws crossed that Ryon and Spice find their furever homes soon.
Wags & wiggles,
i'm always hiding things and can't find them most of the time.....but since i'm also the 'vacuum cleaner' they somehow 'reappear'
ooooh and remember to wish your mumster a safe journey.....just wish her every friday in case i forget, k???
If you hide your treat how will you find it?
Great doggies today......they all look so sweet!
Khyra Face, I cannot imagine your mom would treat ANY woofster with anything but love and tenderness. Like you, she's got a mushy heart! I always like to see the after photos...the ones where the dog has filled out and brightened up from all the love and good food and security it's found in it's forever home! Like Laska!
Your blog is very nice.
Please visit my blog:
We love your bone hiding Khyra...I think you do it just to entertain the Dog Nanny!!!
Great looking transports this week!
Beautiful flowers! I love purple! I also love your biscuit hiding posts...they always make me smile. Looks like your mom will have some great passengers today.
Hi, Khyra!
I love to see you hiding your bones!
Good luck to those doggies finding great homes!
Kisses and hugs
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay yes hyooman lives shoor ar complikayted they shud try beeing more like us dogs!!! ok bye
Our momma is really lovin' that Flat-Coated 'triever! She thinks that they are kewel!
About your bone...we have to eat ours right away cuz we tend to steal each other's noms if they don't get eated right away☺
Come on over today and help us get the word out to the Eagles about Mr. Vick! We has a furry im-paw-tant bloggy post taday!
I love all the different places you hide your Milkbone! :) I'm always hiding my food in the same old place. Pillow, futon or under my toys.
The transports are sure cute! :)
Woo get to hide your bone? Not in this house. Missy or Bella would find it and eat it right away.
Your mom has been a very busy transporter. Give her lots of kisses.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie
We loved watching you with your biscuit. It did make our Mom cry a little bit because our dearest Samantha always looked for the best places to hide her bones too and then she would dig them up and re-hide them somewhere else!
Thor and Marco Polo
You are a good Milk bone hider and eater.
Your Eskie BF,
Wooos MFT, what fun hiding the bone! you are lucky that come other dog (like me) does not come along and eat it before you.
Those were very nice looking huskies, plus that flat coated retriever was very pretty too!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Spice is a pretty one!
Huffle Mawson
It's very impawtant to let those bones rest before eating isn't it Khyra? They seem to taste better with anticipation!
The transports were all great looking dogs. Hope they all get furever homes!
Spice could be your twin. Would talk longer but the Mom has to see if Fenris ate Scylla. She was in the jungle gym and now she is AWOL. ~S,S,C & F
Khyra, you are so clever when it comes to hiding your treats... it's pretty amazing to see!
And what a beautiful group of rescue doggies!
Khrya. Thanks for welcoming me back. You are pretty funny. Good job on finding your treat. It looks like you live in a pretty fancy house. I love it! You are one lucky gal!
Kasha and Africa
Oh, you have to find the right place to eat your bone!
Those doggies were cute. :-)
Hey Khyra,
You gotta do us a favor and give your mom the lucky 13 slurps and hugs from all of us Bumpass Hounds and Kitties. We appreciate all that she does to help the animals scheduled for the green needle which is actually a pink needle.
Sophie is the only one os us that looks for a place to eat her treats. With 10 dogs wandering around we all tend to take the treat from the giver and immediately lay down and devour it before someone else finnishes theirs and wants yours.
Looks like your mum is very busy. Enjoy your milky bone treat!!
You are really starting to tug at my heartstrings with all of these rescues. I need a bigger house.
we love your milk bone antics - you make us smile everytime
such cute transport pups
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
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