Akhtually scenes from my Friday night...
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Friday Free Fur All!

Mom is going to have a busy day at work getting all she khan done in preparation fur next week's shutdown so we might not get to your blogs khwite as khwikhkly!
She wanted me to tank woo all fur the good vibes and kind words! The problem with my mom is that she finds weekends TOOOOO long so just imagine what a week (or more) will seem like to her?
I SOOOOO have my paws full!
Be safe this weekend!
PeeEssWoo: Fur those that asked, YES, the toyz I shared on Thursday khan be khwite loud in that FUN way! I'll try to get her to khapture the sounds sometime!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Thankful AND Thoughtful Thursday!
I'm thankful I have such thoughtful furiends!
Recently Turbo mentioned the Ruffians line of 'khuzzie' toys (NOT HUZZY)!


Tank woo furry much!
One khan never have too many awards from such nice furiends!
I had previously received it and passed it along by spelling out the word Proximidade. Right now, I khan't lokhate it in a timely fashion to relink to...please furgive me!
Please visit and say WOO!
which I had already done BUT here is the link to it !
I suggest woo also stop by and visit her!
Tank woo so furry much! It is just so khool to get things like this from my furiends!
I'll give woo a khall sometime!
I hope I've not overlooked any others! Please furgive my assistant. She's going to be bit out of sorts fur the next week(s). She will be what she hopes is a mini-vikhtim of the stoopid ekhonomy. Things are furry soft at work - which is never a good thing for an aluminum foundry. Almost evfurryone will be off fur next week - and hopefully not much longer. Please khross your paws that things start to pikhkup so she doesn't have to get under my paws fur too long! I mean, she's gonna khramp my style BUT I'll do what i gotta do!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Walkin' Wednesday 2009
Time fur Walkin' Wednesday!
Please khlikhk H E R E ! ! !
Remember, the bidding fur Sparky's pawesome painting ends later today.
PeeEssWoo: Mom was slightly off (yes, we know THAT) in her number about The Iditawalk...it is 1049 minutes! We've khompleted 660 as of Tuesday!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Tuesday Telling
Some pikhs from the past!
The top one is my furst day 'here'
I guess I hadn't learned to have the FLUFFY TAIL yet!
I was already keeping my eyes on what would soon bekhome known as MY KINGDOM!!!
Earlier this month, The Kapp Pakhk posted about a trip to The Philadelphia Zoo with The Little Biped. My mom had her own memories of that zoo! Since she grew up in suburban Philadelphia (she moved 'here' in 1972), each summer inkhluded a trip to the zoo with her brother Steve and her khousins.
Since she had such great memories of it, in the early 80's, she took my Auntie Di and my Unkhle Paul there fur the day!

Fur those that wondered: OH MY YES - that bone was yummy! It was about 1-1/2" thikhk and about 2" akhross! Mom pulled it out of the freezer fur me and let me go to town out in the yard!
When you get a chance, please stop by Skhruffy, Stanley, and Lacie's blog and see the outfit LacieGirrrrrl brought me from Paris!
She's been biotching and whining about my fashion sense SO she dressed me up - anyone want to take me out? I promise SHE WON'T be along!
See woo here tomorrow fur Walkin' Wednesday!
PeeEssWoo: I'm sorry I khouldn't leave khomments on some of your blogs on Monday. The 'new style' ones wouldn't pawmit the verifikhation word to load...it just kept showing 'Loading...' I even switched to another browser...same results...why is Blogger so stoooopid sometimes?
Monday, February 23, 2009
Monday Monday
Here is my reward for doing such a grrrreat job on Skhwirrel Patrol!

We keep reading and/or seeing khomments/pikhs about spring khoming to the Northern Hemisphere.
It's just not time yet! I don't want to rush this lovely season!
Mom said to inkhlude these THREE links to chekhk out:
3) And a Jakhk Hubley Wyld Moment!
I hope evfurryone had a nice weekend!
Have a grrrreat week!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
SPDD (Skhwirrel Patrol Duty Day)
Here is how I spent my day helping my furiend KIRA The BeaWOOtiful
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Hello All!

Some pups and then some OTHER pups khommented about wanting to see me out in my kingdom at night with my PupLight

Some of woo khommented about my ELEKHTRIKH khollar on Friday's post! WELL, what woo were seeing was the reflekhtive stripe on my Wolf Pakhks purple limited slip khool khollar. It was twilighty time so the flashy beast needed the flashy thing in order to best khapture my beaWOOty!
I'm glad woo all enjoyed Sparky's pawesome painting! We are keeping our eyes on it! I'll post a reminder khloser to the time the aukhtion is due to end(February 25 at 22:40EST)!
Please remember to keep Bogart in your thoughts...he was furtunate enough to be pawmitted in to see his dad on Thursday night! That SOOOO had to help!
We are also still sending gooooood vibes for Sunny and Skhooter's gramma!
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