Time to share two awards I got early last week

Once again more proof the blogging khommunity is worldwide!
We have such great opportunities to learn more about other khanine/khat/khritter khultures that aren't khlose to our own pawsonal bakhkyards!
Please help yourselves to any of these awards woo would like!
Of khourse, the buns look mighty tasty!
When woo visit Piti, make sure woo chekhk out the Harrod's Fashion show!
I so hope the khanines were properly khompensated!!!
Speaking of tasty

(the khook sokhks are to keep Mom's paws warm) So when Merdie and her peoples FINALLY got to khome over fur khristmas pressie time, we got to khrakhk open the khan

(Mom furst tried it on her own...that so did NOT work fur we were BOTH jumping out of our fur to get these yummy nom noms)

(Mom says they were khwite yummy too...something about making sure I would like them...what's with THAT?)
TANK WOO Sammie and Sierra Rose!!! It was sooooo furry pawesome of woo to share some treats with both of us!

We've lost too many furiends but the cirkhle of life khontinues in that we've made many new ones too!
Mom hit the adult beverage store on Tuesday (I ROTE'd with her) so we'll be set to PAWTY IN 2010 with our pals on The DWB!
PeeEssWoo: Some of woo khommented on hearing my mom tell the mail kharrier about Merdie's biskhuits! WELL, since my snooter is always on to the good stuff, The Doggy Nanny had to stash Merdies's pressie on an upper shelf in the pantry until Merdie khould khome ovFUR fur them. Merdie's peoples expekhted to be ovFUR Saturday night so The Doggy Nanny got their stuff out. They ran out of time that night and didn't make it.
WELL, when Mom left fur the run to get Kota and Isis, The Doggy Nanny went upstairs fur a bit and furgot Merdie's pressie was now unattended. I managed to khonsume just about the entire pakhkage of them (it was almost the size of a khoffee khan). When Mom got bakhk, she noticed a few on the khounter but didn't know why they were there until The Doggy Nanny spilled the beans on me! Mom knew I would be full bekhause that was a lot of stuff fur me and only gave me a bit of my Khalifurnia Naturals L&R - which I left!
The Doggy Nanny had given me the same pressie so I pawnated it to Merdie and told her I was sorry fur eating hers!