Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Larger Than Life
So, since I khan't ignore her wishes - I mean, she khlaims she'd never hurt a furiend BUT - here is ME - waiting in the dark for SOMETHING!
Hugz&Khysses on this last day of April,
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Stoney Saturday
Monday, April 28, 2008
Please Khlikh It!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Pour Mes Maine Amies
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Flurrishing Flurry!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
D'Azul-ing Dears
Our Prez2B's SibeHalfSis Gloria has provided him with 20 more paws able to get out and help him get elekhted. Please see for more pikhs of the dears! I believe they will have their little voter's khards by November and will assist us with getting Turbo into the BIG HOUSE he deserves!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The Day After
Well, that IS the smell of vikhtory for Turbo! I am almost wooless as to how well he did. It is about time the citizens rekhognize the only khandidate ready to take on the challenge of being lead dog - the one that you khan khount on to answer the phone at 3am - no matter what the time zone!
It is now time to intensify getting Tubey's message out to the media - the stoopid humans paid no heed to our messages. Therefore, I have taken his khampaign to The Animal Planet.
Here is what was pawmitted
I'm khlawing/pawing this message to you as my last resort. Messages to NBC/ABC/NPR/CNN/CBS/ColbertNation have all apparently gone ignored. I'm the Khampaign Khoordinator for Turby-08. Here is his khampaign site and here is my blog that helps detail all I've tried to do
Turbo represents all the khwalities we should have in a leader. He's got brilliant ideas. In fakht, he's the one to suggest I bring our khause to ANIMAL PLANET. And he's khorrekht. People are stoopid and have missed a chance at a great story. I hope the animals in charge of Animal Planet rekhognize this!!!
Respekhtfully Yours,
Khyra The Siberian Husky
Thank you for contacting Viewer Relations. We make every effort to reply within one week of receipt of your message. Please check our website for additional information..
First Name Khyra
Last Name TheSiberianHusky
Email Address khyra_sh at thingie
Question Regarding Network/Program Related
Postal/Zip Code 17404
Signal Provider/Cable Company Khomkhast (Ick)
I intend to keep trying - his message has to be heard. I was proud to khast my vote fur him on Tuesday - and my hu-mom was not stoopid as she pressed his name as well!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Elekhtion Day Is FINALLY Here!
And I smell VIKHTORY fur TURBO!!!
BUT furst, please allow me to update evfurryone with the latest demonstration of how stoopid people are. In my khampaign to get Turbo's message heard, I khontakhted CNN and gave them the skhoop on our khandidate:
I am the Khampaign Khoordinator for his khandidacy website at
If you chekhk out my blog at will see that I'm diligently trying to get the word out on Turbo. Thus far, not ONE of the so khalled media outlets have khontakhted the khandidate or me about an interview fur us to share his vision with the khountry. CNN recently ran a piece about dogs with blogs - YES - we have blogs but we also have a message and plan fur change for this once great khountry that needs to be bakhk on The Trail.
Respekhtfully submitted,
Khyra The Siberian Husky
And still I wait. People ARE sooooo stoopid - no wonder their world is in such a mess (and one we weren't the khause of)!
PeeEssWoo: I smell puppy breath khoming from Missouri too! Go GLORIA!
PeePeeEssWoo: KHONGRATS to Gloria and D'Azul Siberians on five beeWOOtiful puppies! Watch this space SOON fur pikhs!!!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Khampaign Report
The transkhript of his speech on Liberty is on his blog along with a pikhture of me! I was soooo thrilled to see much of historikh Philadelphia with him. We were able to see The Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. We visited his khampaign headkhwarters in Fishtown and saw one of his volunteers khrafting a sign for one of the lokhal polling places.
He had to get bakhk to Missouri BUT before he did, we were able to grab a bite to eat. We found a lovely place khalled Phydoz where we enjoyed a Philadelphia favourite: soft pretzel wrapped with cheese and bakhon! It was absolutely delightful -made even more special by the pawlitikhal khonversations Turbo and I were able to share.
One of our diskhussions did inkhlude how disappointing it has been that none of the media outlets I've khontakhted have had the good sense to sniff out the great story I'm all but placing in their laps. Stoopid people! Khanine sense and sensibility is yet another trait Turbo will bring to The White House.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Next On The List
Please see my blog for some bakhground
Then check out Turbo's to get to know the one most suitable to lead us to a real change
He even as an official page for his khandidacy
This elekhtion season has gone on WAY too long and the only way to get through it has been to pawdle it with humour. We've had to listen to our humans whine and khomplain as they saw or heard yet one MORE ad.
My mom puts a lot of faith and trust in NPR - it is on her radio each day she leaves me and each afternoon when she returns to me. She listens on her PC at work (switching only to listen to WXPN when she needs some tunes). I thought maybe your staff would be smart enough to rekhognize a REAL STORY THAT MATTERS and MAKES A DIFFERENCE!
I tank woo in advance for your time!
Respekhtfully submitted for Turbo-08,
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Out on a date
I believe THIS will be a khompletely diffurent kind of press 'khoverage' -
I'm just sayin!
PeeEss: Dukhk! No, Peregrine Falkhon!!
Learning The ABC's
Submission Confirmation
This message confirms that we have received your submission. Thank you for your interest in
Friday, April 18, 2008
Lattes and BirdyBombs
Will Kholbert Khare Enough To Khover The Furry Best?
WELL, as of NOW, NBC and CBS have both missed their chance. I was going to khontakht ABC next, but two of my SibePals (STEVE and K(h)at) suggested we take our khase to THE COLBERT REPORT! Paw-oila!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Katie's Turn
Since NBC has failed to khontakht me fur this furry important story, it was suggested by The Khandidate himself that perhaps Katie Khouric and Khompany would be interested -
Please khonsider giving air time to us!
Respekhtfully Submitted,
Khyra The Siberian Husky
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
A Khontender Fur The Pawsidential Race
As the Khampaign Khoordinator fur Turbo-08, I've been enkhouraged by some of my khanine furiends (the bestest one being PrincessHollyBbbbbbb to khontakht Brian Williams so as to khommunikhate our offuring to this year's race fur President with his website of
Please chekhk out my blog post from today with more deTAILS -
I mean, what better khombination khan a khountry want than someone who knows how to run a race yet charm one and all with a wag of a tail and a kiss with the tongue?
Khyra The Siberian Husky
PeeEss: Please akhcept my apawolgies for my language - I khlaw in Khyraese -
It may be adopted as the next official language for The United States - here is an intro to it
PeePeeEss: FROM KHYRA'S MOM, we figured at this point in the election season, the country could surely use a laugh AND a breath of fresh SANE air!
Tank Woo PHBbbbbbbbb!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Khountdown to Pawsylveinyah Primary
I would to take this blog opp to present Huricane Akara Turbofire - known to all that woo and love him as TURBO and/or TUBEY -
It will pawmit you to see all the things Turbo stands for and stands against - he khares - he's khoncerned - he's prepared to lead us along the trail to khybble, khuz's, and justice fur all!
So next Tuesday, please be sure to paw the skhreen or the lever for TUBEY!
Khampaign Khoordinator
Fine Print PeeEss: This message has been approved by the khandidate. All khontributions are dedukhtible to the maximum pawmitted under khurrent stupid laws. See your akhkhountant or tax advisor fur khomplete deTAILS. Your akhtual mileage may vary. Diskhontinue use if you are unable to khonsume tissues or other paper produkhts.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Cheery And Cherry!
My BFF Sitka wrote a few weeks ago about getting to go to a Cherry Blossom festival. So we decided to take more pikhs of ours on the way bakhk from our Sunday afternoon walk (the trees are on the left!)
Sitka's mom sent my mom five furry special gifts last week - a wreath dekhorated with soda khaps - or is that pop khaps? - and two bottles of AGJ - one which was from the winery that my BFF got to go visit last month , a khool new keyfob in the shape of a bone, and some Peats KHOFFEE!!! The khoffee has been opened this evening, ground in the recently purchased burr grinder, and will be served around 0530 Tuesday 4/15 - AND Sitka was sweet enough to send some FURRY TASTY snakhkies fur ME! ME!! ME!!! along with a very pretty khard with a dragonfly! My mom keeps threatening to have one bekhause they smell soooooo good!
Mom just chekhed the skhrape and saw Momma and Pappa PF hanging out - still no latte that I khan see!
Here is a pikh of how I spent lots of my weekend - watching for THOSE things that go up and then khome down the tree! I stalked and I stared!! I am SOOOO getting khloser to khatching one!!! I'll have Mom khreate some kind of khrokhk pot recipe! WOO!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Here are the furry nice things they khlawed&pawed to me!
Sorry the pikh is a little hard to see - Mom didn't use the flash so she used the magikh Olympus programme to brighten it up!