Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Tuesday Telling

Lady PF doing some feather fluffing -

Going on 8pm - 85 and Fair - and soooo looking forward to the temperatures we see ! ! !
I did leave the halved eggplants in the marinade for much longer than the recipe called for - and did them over two nights - I used Everything Bagel Seasoning to get sesame seeds - and since I don't salt whilst I cook, I picked up some salt with that as well -
After following another KhrossTrek out of the Weis shopping center, it was off to Mad Radish - I always smile when passing the froggehs on Nursery Road -
Mad Radish!
There's goats down there in the wooded 'hollow' -
And a Heeler in The KhrossTrek -

Benning's Human Puppies Farm Wagons next to Willow -

I didn't need to leave them on the door handle as The Human Puppies were out on the patio getting 'outside time' as their grandmother called it - so I entrusted the biscuits to his boys -
Benning had been out - but the jungle weather was too much so he was back in the cool -
Yep - pant pant pant -
Just too khute - eh?  
Back to our own AC -
This side of the sign for I stopped to check out the farm stand -
Hoping there were some green beans - there weren't but I did get a 'bouquet of basil' -
I figured with tomatoes - and mozzarella, basil was a must have - and it made the ride to get The KhrossTrek a shower smell so nice - as it has made The Khottage Kitchen too -
Some of the bounty - Chard, Lunch Lettuce Mix, Scallions, Heirloom Tomatoes, Carrots, I did get a double dose of pickling cucumbers so I could take some in for OfficeMate Crystal, Cherry Tomatoes, and Peaches -
The Basil Bouquet - I've since filled a pint glass with some water and parked the Basil there -
And these are there for snacks - and for Wiggle Catchin' Time - she loves them -
Ah yes - and Italian Eggplants - to be turned into Eggplant Parmesan later this week - with THIS RECIPE - I picked up my cornflake crumbs at the store Monday night - THAT made me think of TADN as she often used them for food preparations - I've never made the recipe but it seemed to offer a lot for a little -

Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Duke said...

Your veggies, basil and peaches all look so fresh and beautiful and delicious and your recipe sounds like a winner!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "We always thought eggplants should have more eggs in them!"

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That sure was the bountiful bounty. So many good things, Mom would love those pickling cukes. Benning is so good with the very cute little ones. And happy Willow there getting her adventure with Mom.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Those are some super vegetables.