Sunday, July 5, 2020

SUNday Sharing

 Never managed to catch a PF at The Palace on Saturday - out picnicking somewhere!
 After escaping The GKP - oh how epic it was - Little and I celebrated  -

 No bunny out back - actually, one was munching in the front yard when I pulled it the driveway - 
 Little was nosing around to make sure -
There was a squirrel out there but she's not bothered by them - or that interested in them -

I haven't told Little yet but we are going to have a mini-khamp with anothEr blondE - AuntiE Di will bring her today when she comes before out heading to Millersville to see our dad -  Auntie Di made a groomer appointment at the place across from MySheetz so I'll walk Khousin E down there on Monday- and Auntie Di will retrieve her after work!

Happy SUNday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
PeeEssWoo: NOW to get Little a trachea !


Dandy Duke said...

I hope you and Emmy have a SuperFun day together, Holly!

Juno said...

Happy Sunday friends!!

Pinot xo

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Hey Holly, if you're not interested in your squirrels, feel free to ship them out here to me!"