Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Tuesday Telling

 A nice start to the day -
 Caught Lady PF hanging out later -

 Now for a showing of The Blondes' SUNday -

I did some ROTE for The GKP on Monday - lots of snacks for that SUNday football game thing - I hit BJ's for a selection of yummy stuff - and it all fit in The KhrossTrek -
and after the ROTE - and dropping the khargo at The GKP - The Blondes got their walk AND their toast!

Not sure what The Weather Babblers insist we'll get today and tomorrow - time will tell!

Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!

All of us at NAK's Khottage

1 comment:

Dandy Duke said...

For a minute there, we thought you were hosting Superbowl pawty with all of those goodies in your cart! The weatherpeeps are saying snow for us to start and then turning to rain and the accumulation will be next to nothing and then the temps drop to un-fun *sigh*