Monday, January 21, 2019

Monday MOMSandUSday

Surveying the 'storm's' aftermath -

Now for our usual beyond exciting Saturday night - this shots were 'early' in the fun -

and shortly after this, I may - or may not - have khommenced napping on the khouch - only to wake up for another round of napping - only to emerge again to let The Blondes out and go to bed ;-)
And yes, our wind arrived - and the tempertatures dropped - but matter not to The Blondes - 
They were channeling Their Inner Husky -

This post should or could be termed MOM as Auntie Di was in Harrisburg for an assortment of reasons - I hit Sheetz early - got the papers - watched some CBS SUNday morning programming - then headed to Giant for a few things - of course, after I arrived back at The Khottage, toasting was khompleted - and a sesame bagel for me!

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!

All of us at NAK's Khottage

1 comment:

Dandy Duke said...

Stay warm, girls! We have one degree here now with wind chills below zero. brrrrrrrrrrrrr