Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Walkin' Wednesday 2018

 Yep...still wet and/or raining -

After Auntie Di and Mom got home from khollekhting The KhrossTrek - with pizza and beer in their bellies - Mom snagged Lord PF on HIS POINT!

 With it all wet on SUNday, Auntie Di had toweled off Khousin Emmy - and Khousin Emmy kept it - just in khase!

Khousin Emmy watching out - sadly, too wet to walk AGAIN 

Auntie Di and Mom took The KhrossTrek to Mechanicsburg on Tuesday fur service - they khalled and said we khan inspekht it too - whilst driving bakhk - she had gotten a OUTSTANDING Outback fur a loaner - Mom said hey, when we get bakhk to The Khottage and have this dry period, we'll walk but 


Mom heads bakhk to The GKP to start her 'week' today - she's going to head in a few hours early too - so, KHOME ON SUNDAY NIGHT!

Happy Wednesday EvFURRYone!

PeeEssWoo: Paws will be khrossed furry tightly fur all our pals in Florence's path - she looks to be a monster ;-(


Dandy Duke said...

Our walkies have been shortened to "get business done and home we go". We can't wait for the sun to shine once again.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Khyra, you are so kind to share your chair with the blonds, but don't you think the Princess ought to have first dibs?

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber