Sunday, March 25, 2018

SUNday Sharing

 PF Palace Saturday AM -

 Thanks PA Game Commission - Mom chekhked on the nest -
 and when she chekhked bakhk...Lucy and Freedom were there - she is a BIG Eagle  -
 They have been spending time woo'ing each other - and some on the group have even observed them doing some eggercising - so maybe???
 He turned his head away at the thoughts of THAT ;-)
 One of the two eggs remains - Lucy did eat the other a few days ago -

 He's watching out on Saturday night -
 When Auntie Di and Mom arrived at The Farm, some of the pawty goers were gathering -
 Khousin Bentley didn't even khare - she was sooo busy racing around - but NowAngelHarley would have been ALL over 'em!
 Ice khream khake!
 Akhtually, years ago, The Becks lived on the next street from TADN - and they were akhtually some of the furst GOLDEN DOOFTRIEVERS Auntie Di and Unkhle Paul met - Auntie Di used to do khwite a lot of babysitting there - now they are a few miles  from there - and once upon a time, when I was able to go fur those 3-4 mile walks, we akhtually walked by the lane fur their house - might have my assistant find THAT pikhture!
 The Birthday Boy's wife Linda made a lemon khake with lemon icing - Mom says YUMMY!


Mom also has some pikhs of Khousin Emmy's sisFUR - Khousin Bentley - we'll share them soon!

We hope all enjoy their weekend - we know we will!

Happy SUNday EvFURRYone!



Dandy Duke said...

Those birthday cakes look soooo yummy! You have both me and mom drooling!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Sheesh, Freedom didn't wait long:(

That looks like it was a very happy party for all - delicious cakes!!!

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Unknown said...

Wooo what a super party your humans had. Looks like a great time had by all. Does cousion Bentley miss Angel Harley.

Hu'mum reckons Freedom is scared of Lucy and just going along with it for now BOL She is a monster bird BOL
