Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Walkin' Wednesday 2017

 They khontinue to survey their eventual world bu t fur now...

 They stay standing on their stikhk!
 Family meeting - one of the parents - probably Lord PF - giving them some pointers?
 Whilst Lady PF kept her eyes on 'em from bakhk here!

 Mom is pretty sure this is Freedom as he went straight over when one of the kids was playing with the stikhk wrong ;-)

 We got TWO walks on Tuesday - these shots are from the furst one in the AM -

We didn't really expekht to get one - let alone TWO given the forekhast fur the week but we got lukhky!

Here is this week's video - khomplete with another abrupt ending - might be time fur Mom to khlear off some media!

She did a ROTE without us - IMAGINE THAT?!?  - but she had multiple stops to make and didn't want to worry about us eating her purchases - yep - IMAGINE THAT!?!

Now it is time fur us to start THAT khountdown again: KHOME ON SATURDAY NIGHT!

Happy Wednesday EvFURRYone!



Duke said...

What a pretty walk with such beautiful flowers!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We have been getting double walks too - and we sure do love that!!! Here's to a hasty arrival at Saturday night!

Woos - Misty and Lightning