Saturday, January 7, 2017

Saturday Sharing Khomplete With Khat

 Here is the furry special khard we got - it khame from Angel T's pakhk in The Mitten State - once upon a time when we furst exchanged khards, I said I would give him my address as long as he didn't inkhlude any KHAT KHOOTIES!!!  
 So this year, I got a KHAT HAIR!  I'm sure Angel Titus is wooing from The RB!
 Prakhticing fur tonight at 7pm!


Yes, we did get snow!!!
Sadly, Holly and I got to snoof it Thursday night and FrEYEday morning before Mom went to The GKP - and spent some time in it FrEYEday night -
The Eagles will have plenty of it going furward!
Khousin Emmy shared this from her Thursday evening - pretty special!

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!



Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We were the fortuante recipients of one of those beautiful cards too!

Enjoy your post 7pm weekend!


Little Reufus said...

Khat Khooties!!! :-O

wif lub from Little Reufus and The Pie