Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Tuesday Telling

 When Mom snagged this, Lady PF was shrieking what she wanted fur dinner!
 So Mom was NOT surprised to see him on his point!
 Now fur assorted shots from Khamp Khyra - more to khome - and some videos too - but fur now, we'll khall this the tired and tortured and torn and tukhked and toy edition -
 Mom would be the tortured and tired one - the furst night Harley was not allowing Mom to move much ;-)


 Toys - one of MY skhweaky balls - Mom had to hide them in the pantry bekhause SOME pup was tearing them apart -

 This is one Tommy's #1 gave us several years ago when we got to meet her!

 FrEYEday night started the same way - no wonder Mom just slept on the sofa Saturday night -

 Most of the rugs ended up with some tukhking - in fakht, one time this one ended ROLLED up -
 One would think they like each other -

 Ahhhhhh - all tidied and all vakhuumed -

 Holly looked a LITTLE sad they were gone -
 THIS khounselor was khwite relieved!

Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!

PeeEssWoo: I got some furri sad news on Monday - my handSUMM MalliHunk khrossed to North of The Rainbow Bridge - I'll post fur SUMMIT on Thursday - in the meantime, here is a shot of US from November 2010


Two French Bulldogs said...

We wouldn't mind hanging out at Kamp Khyra. A big yard, taking mom fur a walk, a birdie on the ledge......
Lily & Edward

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ciara is the professional ball destroyer here. BUT she also tries to eat them - so Mom has to either be on the alert all the time or just not let us have any tennis balls.

Maybe when Camp Khyra is open, you need to prepare the guest room bed for those Goldens.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Dandy Duke said...

We are so sorry to hear about your friend, Summit, Khyra. He was such a handsome boy.