Friday, August 26, 2016

FrEYEday SkEYEday Free Fur All

 Thursday evening from PF Central -

 SUNday evening -

 Monday morning -
 Mom saw this when she went to the grocery store - she didn't realize how khool the khlouds would be reflekhting off the window -

 Tuesday -

 Wednesday -

 Now to celebrate THAT furry special day - TEN YEARS AGO, 'Whitney' bekhame KHYRA - and the rest is history FUR SURE!  Mom surely gave herself a great 47th birthday pressie ! ! !
 Once upon a time, she was young - I wonder if Fluffy got any of that khake!?!
 ONE - khan woo believe it - ONE!
 As Mom was going thru the things at TADN's house, she enkhountered the infamous PEANUT BOOTIES - when TADN was pregnant with Mom, she barely showed - and evFURRYone feared she would be a little baby - and her nikhkname was PEANUT - these were made Down The Shore that summer - needless to say, PEANUT emerged at 9# 2oz - khwite a big PEANUT, eh!?!
 When Mom was at the store, she saw a pakhkage of KHAT FISH nuggets on sale - sooooo she got them fur ME - well, and Holly too -
 We've had some of the chikhkenfish in our kibble - oh so tasty!
 Mom's Dad and his wife got this fur Mom - Linda had just left The Khottage as Mom got home Thursday night so she looped bakhk around to say HI - and make sure Mom had seen she left a bag on the front door fur her - she had !  
Hmmmm - I smell khake but I khan tell it's NOT OUR FLAVOR - something about BROWNIE!

Since Mom will be working until Saturday night, we'll going to PAWTY on SUNday - rumor has it we might get a trip thru The Magikh Cheeseburger Window!

Happy Birthday Mom!!!!! !!!!!!!

Happy FrEYEday EvFURRYone!
P.S. HAPPY GOTCHA DAY MY PRINCESS - not sure what I would do without you to keep me going!  I surely got lucky the day I brought Whitney home to become KHYRA!


Dandy Duke said...

Happy Birthday to your mom and Happy 10th Gotcha Day to you, Khyra! Your mom was sooooooo adorable at age 1!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Happy Gotcha Day Khyra and Happy Birthday to your Mom.

ZOOLATRY said...

Happy EVERYTHING to EVERYONE ... hugs and KhyraKhisses to all ...

The Florida Furkids said...

Happy Birthday to your Mom and Happy Gotcha Day to you!!!

The Florida Furkids

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Glorious Gotcha Day to Khyra!!! And Happy Birthday to the Peanut!!! We hope you both can celebrate together on Sunday!!! Khatfish??? We want some too:)

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

pilch92 said...

Happy Gotcha Day and Happy Birthday to your Mom!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Ah, you have us full of happy tears. Happy Gotcha Day, Khyra! And Happy Birthday, Khyra's mom! You are so good for each other. And for Holly.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Ohhhh look at the beautiful sky!!!!!

Happy Birthday