Saturday, June 25, 2016

Saturday Sharing

 FrEYEday morning as Mom left -
 Some PF time -

 Then home to us fur a few minutes -

 Then whilst she was at dinner, she chekhked The PF Kham and saw this -

A - Wee - Bit - Wet!

THEN it khame to York!


Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!

We'd say khome on tonight but we need to modify that a bit and say 

SUNday afternoon!

Mom's headed to The GKP fur some extra hour$


1 comment:

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We could use a bit of the WET here too, but only if it doesn't come with t-storms:(

Here's to a fast arrival of Sunday afternoon.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning