Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Tuesday Telling

 New khamera angles at The PF Palace!

 One of the fluffy puffs is REALLY working the wings!
 Eventually they'll be all over the place!
 Now fur our SUNday with Momday -

 Here is the flower we suggested she get - it is NOT purple - she decided The Khottage khalled fur a different look

 We did good fur not having great kholor vision, eh?!?
 She got some khat marsala at BJ's - and served it with tri-kholor rotini - and she made some mixed veggies too
 We had asked Khousin Emmy and Auntie Di to help shop fur us - so here is the khard that khame on Monday -
 Khousin Emmy even sent some furs AND some green paper$ fur us!!! What a GReat khousin!
THANK WOO Aunt Di and Emmy ;-)

I sent Mom off after 6darkearly - akhtually, I DIDN'T - I took myself bakhk to bed and tried to shame her - Holly watched her go - but she khame home by 2 and took us fur a walk - and let us have some yard time - so all was good!

We'll do it all ovFUR again today!

Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!



Two French Bulldogs said...

It looks like you are alternating guard duty
Lily & Edward

Duke said...

Mom says that the melon colored begonias go beautifully with your bricks! We wouldn't know anything about that kind of thing.