Monday, February 22, 2016

Monday MOMandMEandHERday

 Khomtemplating something fur sure!
 Perhaps she was thinking how handsome Lord PF is - and how they've heard the Hanover Eagles now have TWO eggs in the nest!!!
 So, woo know our Monday drill - we share our exciting Saturday night - ready???

Yep - three pawty animals fur sure!!!

We had a nice SUNday - although the sun furgot to show up - and even sent its pal rain fur the afternoon and evening - BUT we did get a nice walk - and prior to that we supervised Mom's poo harvest - she thought with the rain expekhted this week, it was a good time to plukhk!

We went along whilst she got some human foodables at the store - inkhluding a tasty purchase from the reduced produce rakhk - FoUR avokhados and a MANGO fur onedollarandtwentyonecents - and then made our usual stop at TADN's - then khame bakhk fur OUR dinner - yes, we so earned a SUNday night nap!

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!


1 comment:

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

It was harvest day here yesterday too, and Mom says she never ceases to be amazed at how much she can reap:)

Woos - Ciara and Lightning