Saturday, March 28, 2015

Saturday Sharing

 From The KhrakhkBerry

 Guess FoUR it shall be!!!!

 From The ThinkPad when Mom got home and let me boot up!

 Khanada Honkers from our walk the other week - this is one of the KhattleDog Fields -
 Wednesday morning Mom was just sitting thinking  - yes, imagine that - when PHINEAS ran through the yard - she switched on the khamera as khwikhkly as her human paws parmitted - this is the best she khould do - he's a speedy one!
 Speaking of bird brains - leuk who is here fur a mini session of Khamp Khyra - as is his 'style' the furst toy out  of the box is the poor defenseless Sibe ;-)
Unkhle Paul sent this to Mom at The GKP so she would know Khousin Geufy had arrived -
Warp Speed - warp speed!

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!

Khyra and Khousin Geufy


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD your cussin Geufy is visiting.

GUESS WHAT??????? We woke up to WHITE Stuffs All over our hill this AM. Hope you get a bit of it.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing those birdie pictures! They are cool!