Furst of all, here is a pikh from SUNday evening -
Now fur an all cellphone pikhture post - Khousin Ab sent this to her mom
Auntie Di saw this handsome BrittBoy named Riley at the airport in Norfolk VA -
My mom took this as she got ready to leave The GKP Saturday
Khousin Ab sent this to her mom who then shared it with us - those are the Granite Mountains -
Now fur MY SUNday - this was my SUBTLE hint about WALKING -
Still working her -
Even Whitney tried to get her moving!
Finally! I know a Siberian ALWAYS gets her walk but SERIOUSLY MOM???
Khooling down from our 1.96mile walk!
Thank Dog and Praise Cheeses fur the inventor of the Husky Khool Air Ceiling Vent!
I khame full cirkhle!
Mom disappeared fur a bit SUNday afternoon - something about Kohls - and 30% - and well, woo know - LOOK who followed her home - we'll khall him Thomas - in honour of The World Khup champion khountry Germany AND paws khrossed, our next governor!!!
Happy Monday EvFURRYone!
We are happy the woman finally got the walking hints
Lily & Edward
Hmm. Our family dog (when I was growing up a long time ago) used to lay on the floor grate in the summer, getting all the cool air while we sweltered in the living room. Also had to sit on the front floor of the car for the same reason!
Your family is lucky the cool air comes out of the ceiling!
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow wot a sunset!!! i like yore noo littel frend!!! and i am a littel bit serprized that my mama missd a thirty persent off sayl at kohls!!! ha ha ok bye
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