Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Walkin' Wednesday 2014

 Some scenes from their furry exciting and important day!

 This was shortly before the official banding ceremony
 This was the one they snagged furst - banded - and returned to the skhrape to keep Lady and Lord PF from freaking out TOO much!

 KHRASHED after their big afternoon!
 Mom was not alone in not being sure of the M's and F's of this year's brood - one or two were too khlose fur them to be really sure so they err on the side of safety and go larger on the band size - the audio was pretty khrappy fur some of the telekhast fur the humans seemed to furget the reason fur the MIKHROPHONE thingie!!!  It was khwite khool to see someone from Zoo America there with his PF - Mom will share the link when it is available - BUT fur now, here is a furry interesting pikhture show - with a difFURent perspekhtive as some of the shots were taken from inside the building looking OUT!!!
 Now fur my Sunday afternoon walk - I'm sure woo might be able to guess what I'm snoofing fur!!!
 As we headed towards this intersekhtion, one of THEM was LOOKING OUT FROM THE SEKHRET WORLD UNDER THE STREET!!!

 On our way bakhk from Walk #1 on Sunday, SHE was there - I made sure she moved along!
Making the driveway safe again!

Happy Wednesday EvFURRYone!



Dandy Duke said...

What a beautiful day for a walk, Khyra! Our mom agrees with yours, why build new homes when there are so many beauties standing vacant. It's dumb!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Unknown said...

WOW! They are bigger then I thought they were! You can really see them in that picture show!!! Can't waigt for the video!
Oh BTW, we are having a giveaway for some decals on my blog and there are three winners, first prize is a husky decal and we have yet to have a husky enter the giveaway, we thought you may be interested. No worries if your not :)
have a great day!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Yea! You little ones have some bling bling
Lily & Edward

Anonymous said...

New homes are taking some of our running fields away.

Misty the alpha Poodle