Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tuesday Telling

 So I had mentioned a big walk - we heading towards where Mom took this shot from - just at the one khrest - and saw one of those deerdogs sprint akhrss the road from just beyond the two sprucie things on the right - 
 Mom says they are often here - just grazing away like a herd of khattledogs - and I kept looking and snoofing - I knew they were there - good thing they stay hidden as deerdog season started on Monday - and will last fur two weeks - Mom says they also like the field where the khorn had been too - and I kept smelling for 'em as we headed on the next part of the walk
 My fans were watching me - although I was disappointed the ones I've featured in my videos were not in the front khorral - although their heeler dog was there but Mom didn't get a shot of the khanine this time
 I did get to see some of them on my Monday afternoon walk - inkhluding the one with THE BLING in his nose - I think we did get some pikhs of them and expekht we'll share later this week
 Off I go - more fans to meet and greet!
 They were HERE - but when the saw me khoming - 

 They headed HERE fur a goats' eye view of the khrazy khrakhker khanine - hey Mom - when did you khaption this pikh?
 Waving HI to them!!!
 The Bear FurAmily - they are lukhky fur bear season was LAST week!
Watching fur Santa Paws and Khlaws!

Mom did snag a short video of the goats and me saying hi to each other - although she did edit out the shokhking ending when I learned why they stay in their yard - I believe humans khall it The Siberian Death Skhream

Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!



Unknown said...

Oh no! You got shocked!!!! Poor thing!! Other then that it sounds like you had a great walk!

Unknown said...

Hey there, Miss Kitty love walking with you...there is so much to see but I not ever see cow Khyra! Too big...
See you soon!!
Miss Kitty

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

What a busy girl you are, Khyra!


How Sam Sees It said...

Never turn your back on a goat!

Monty and Harlow

Two French Bulldogs said...

I enjoyed your video. So Rudolph lives by you?

Golden Samantha said...

Well...it has been tooooooo long, Khyra! What GORgeous countryside you have - there have GOT to be some amazing smells, yes? Love that there is a cow with bling in its nose - too cool, but neither of us would want bling in OUr noses!!! How about YOU?
Sending lots of hugs and kisses with hopes that we can snag some walkies like that!
Sammie and Ava