Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sunday Sharing

As we khlear out the khrakhkberry
 A sign from Angel Benny that all is well at The RB!
 Mom got to talk to the lady this khar belongs to - she said her husband has DISC DOG - and they also have a reverse of this  FRZB K9 - with some champion khompetitors!
 One of errands a few weeks ago was to visit Pier 1 - Mom had seen someone on FB shared a stuffy -or is that stuffi?
 They khall the khutie Toby
 And since they had BROWN eyes, Mom got us one - and two others we sent on a transport - 
 Wishing I khould have gone along with the boxes - since one went to Iowa where he is now known as Tobi - 
 The other went to my furiend KhadyLyn in Nebraska - as a tribute to her now Angel Brother Samuel - of khourse, both boxes were pakhked with some KHYRA FLOOOOOF!!!
 Mom's shot as she left the house Saturday morning
I reminded Mom AGAIN that I khould help her on the transports - I khould so khontrol The Zen-terra - after all, she's going to have some furry khute passengers later today as she HOPEFULLY will just do her usual leg of Hagerstown to Harrisburg - if woo would like to see a preview of the passengers, woo MIGHT be able to see them here - the nice people doing their overnighter shared some pikhs on FB - and made the album publikh - all of Saturday's drivers said they were all FURRY FURRY sweet - five in all - with some special signifikhance to their khuteness - Mom will share more about that here tomorrow - we know she had some special angels watching out fur her - 

Happy Sunday EvFURRYone!

PeeEssWoo: If woo didn't get a chance to read Saturday's post about the inkhredibly khool BIGSAW, please chekhk it out!!!


Duke said...

What an adorable stuffie! Packing the boxes with Khyra floooff makes them tons more special, Khyra!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Great number plates and great stuffie! Of course, you are gentler with your stuffies than I am with mine, Khyra...


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I (Frankie Furter) STILL have the bag of KHYRA FLOOF that you sent to me about 87 years ago!!!

Those stuffies are SOOOOOOO cute.

YES, it is a sign for Lily from Angel Benny

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay it shoor wuz thawtful of benny to send a sign frum the rainbo bridj that all is wel their!!! and wow yoo hav a license to drive a subaru??? i am going to hav to git wun of those and then i kan tayk dadas orandj car to dexters deli and kahoots and the harbor and all the other wunderful playses i havent gotten to go to laytly!!! ok bye

Two French Bulldogs said...

Thank you brother is an angel


Khyra. We cracked up about your cheeses comment! The Mom's do love taking pictures of us kids, don't they? Love your new tote bag, and your passengers were beautiful as always. My Mom loves Rusty!