From Monday Afternoon
Of khourse, I might tease I'd khonsume him - woo know, tastes like chikhken and all - BUT GJ is one of my longest term Blog Pals - akhtually bekhame furiendly with him after his khousin HANDSOME Ben The Rotti introduced us - we khan't stop thinking about his furry special mum and dad -
As fur teasing....WELL, I took Mom on a nice walk late Monday morning - as we khame bakhk by Blaze's house, I kept looking and looking - and Mom saw his dad on their bakhkdekhk - SO, I had her khall BLAZE - BLAZE - and then we went around - his dad said we'll be out in a minute - and he was THRILLED to see me!!!
He went to pee on the tree
then we gathered to read the message -
Mom decided to just take pikhs this time - fur whilst the video is fun, she always wishes she khould do both at one time -
Yes, this is what it looks like - this was time number two or three or four by then -
Happi boy!
He had been posing SO nicely and then at the last minute - tee hee - Northern Breed humour -
Isn't he dreami?
SIGH! I sooooo wish it was MY Summi but - a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do -
His dad says he SO khan tell when I've been by - and definitely reads the messages I leave - he also said all they have to do is say KHYRA and he gets ALL spunki - and has even been known to HOWL fur me!
They thanked us fur stopping - and say anytime we khome by he'll be glad to see me - AND his dad even mentioned they've been khonsidering getting Blaze a sisFUR - his other sisFUR khrossed in the past months - she was an English Setter LabMix - and got to the age and stage where she just khouldn't walk any more and they had to let her go BUT Blaze misses having a pal - SOOOO, maybe ! ! !
I was bummed when we left and got to the khorral where The Horse Dog and The Goat Dog live and they WEREN'T OUT TO SEE ME - I just kept looking and looking -
Oh well - maybe NEXT time!
Happy Monday EvFURRYone!
Blaze is a very handsome hunk indeed! How nice that you were able to spend some time with him!
We are crossing all our paws for GJ too.
We're purring, praying and waging for GJ. He's special to us too because Mom met Flat GJ and his Mom and Dad last year.
The Florida Furkids
Indeed, Teka adds her vote that Blaze is a most handsome hunk. We love the pictures and are sure glad you shared them
Blaze is GRRRREAT. Maybe you two can do Snow Zoomies together this winter.
WE are worried about GJ Also. We have ALWAYS loved him.
Do I smell Womance in the aiw
Khywa and Blaze floofbutts in the twee.....
I am cwossing my paws hawd fow GJ
smoochie kisses
Boy Khyra, we see a little Whitney hussyness come out every time you're with Blaze! You sure are smitten but it looks like he is too!
Sending pawsitive thoughts to GJ!
You ad Blaze make such a cute couple:)
Is that McDreamy? He is a cuuuttttiiiieeeee!!!
Blaze is very dreamy, Khyra, and a BIG handsome boy!
Our paws are crossed for Ginger Jasper!
Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly
Looks like a nice and fun walk
Benny & Lily
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