Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sunday Sharing

 From Saturday morning - Mom says another nice layering - but not khwite as nice as FrEYEday's
 Saturday evening as the feathered khouple khrafted their plans fur the evening - maybe they went to chekhk out Restaurant Row
 This one was there fur almost the entire walk - Mom almost snapped it when we left the house but when we saw it again - halfway into the walk - she knew it was meant fur here
 and it was still there as we were almost home - we thought it looked like a peace dove

 When Mom posted the skEYE shots on FrEYEday, she furgot these from last Saturday night - 
 Yes, I know I made the pikhture blurry but I khan't wait to see what's in there!

 YUMMERS fur woo AND fur me!

 Just look at those EYEs on the t-shirt - wow!
 Smelling fur MY SUMMI!!!!!!!

Mom tried to get the shot right but.....

Thank woo to The Iowa Crew and Summi's Mummi - she was one of the furry khool and KHRAZY Winter Chicks that did the raggedy bra ride around I-O-WAH!!! - so Mom sent our khopy of "When Kibble Just Won't Cut It" khookbook so TNKL khould pawtograph it - we even asked Summi's Mummi to sign it too - now to get Mom to make me something from it!
This is The Nice Karen Lady's special ANGEL Pretty Khurly Tail - and my idol and role roll model KARA - I khan't wait to meet her one day North of The Rainbow Bridge - I just KNOW we'll need to chat bekhause The Nice Karen Lady wrote us years ago that - KARA - UMMMM - LIKED KHATS - and not in the way I LIKE THEM - just wrong Angel Kara - just wrong!

Please be sure to chekhk out their blog - it is FILLED with pawesome stuff and tails and tales and MORE!  Woo also need to read all about RAGBRAI - pretty impressive!

I will enjoy one of those special Doggy Pops tonight - I was too full of pizza bones to have one on Saturday!

Happy Sunday EvFURRYone!

Mom doesn't have a run this weekend BUT she is going to The GKP fur another 'part' shift - depending upon how well things go with the nice lady she's been helping to train, this might be the last one - 



Duke said...

What a cool t-shirt! Enjoy your doggie pops, Khyra! They look superyummy!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Taffy said...

I never heard of doggie pops before. Let us know how they were. Looks like you got lots of fun things in your package!

Donna said...

Mmmm, snackies!! :)