Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sunday Sharing

 From FrEYEday night's walk
 Good thing she took 'em then fur we didn't get one Saturday night - it rained and rained - and then Mom deserted us fur the evening - she went to visit a friend - khan woo believe THAT????
 Harley gathers toys around Mom's chair -
 As if to say 'I brought woo presents'
 I'm so ashamed of him
I khan't even look!
Anyway, Mom is on the road again today - furst to The GKP - then to Merryland fur PUPPIES!!!! - then bakhk to The GKP - then eventually home to us - or maybe just ME by then!
Happy Sunday EvFURRYone!
Khyra and Khousin Harley


Duke said...

The hibiscus flowers are just beautiful!
Enjoy your Sunday, Khyra, and safe travels to your mom!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

It sounds like a busy day ahead! Safe driving!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

We know how much you love your
HI Biscuits!! ANd those are lovely.

bbes tribe said...

Those flowers are beautiful! Wishing a safe trip for mom And afun day with her when she regurns
Ernie,Chica,Lucas,and Rosie

Donna said...

The flowers are very pretty. :)

Kari in Alaska said...

Beautiful flowers

Stop on by for a visit

Elyse K said...

Those are beautiful flowers! Hello, Khyra and Khousin Harley!