Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tuesday Telling

Of how Mom and I spent Earth Day
 Furst off, a few pikhs from Monday
 4/22/2013  ::   Eggs Hatch!
Sometime between 2 and 3 PM on Saturday, April 20th, the first egg hatched. Early Sunday morning the second hatchling arrived. By Monday morning, April 22nd, three nestlings were being cared for by the adults. If viable, the fourth egg should hatch soon. This close hatch time among the nestlings is good news because they should compete for food without one or another being disadvantaged by being smaller and weaker than their nest-mates

 I khrossed my paws and worked Mom fur a walk - and I had something in mind - but I had to khoordinate my plan - 
 Some Redbud
 I took Mom the khlokhkwise route to see my khattledog pals - 
 After we left them, I took Mom on the route OUT to road that is their Western border
 She let us do it!!!  I had wanted to this route a few Sunday's ago but she said it was too warm - but since it was only in our 50's, she said YES!!!

 Looking bakhk to where we had been

 Mom and I were furry happy to see the view from here!
 We went up to the road that formed the Southern border of the khattledog playpen - this is the bridge at the township park - we've walked there in the past but only after Mom drove The Zen-terra to it
 One of the khattledog houses

 This is the other side of the berm they were grazing on the other week
 These are the magikh wires that go all the way to The GKP - and beyond
 Another wild herd of goatdogs!

 They were dazzled by me too!
 One Eagle
 And another - Mom has wanted to take pikhs of them but this road is way too busy fur her to do that whilst in The Zen-terra so she took the opportunity to do that too!
 The street woo see on the left - Shenandoah Lane - is where I take Mom if we've khome from the house - each time we khrossed from where woo see the fire hydrant, I've wondered where the road would take us - NOW I KNOW!!!
 Mom noticed I had marked myself with some pollen 
 I suggested it bekhome a tradition fur Earth Day - just like some humans do the ashes to start Lent
Back home we go - and when we got there, Mom hit the mapmywalk.com site - our walk was 3.89 miles!  

Mom and I did learn many humans have no idea how wide their vehikhles REALLY are - even though we were on the walking side of the shoulder and the white line, woo would have thought we were strolling down the middle of the road - Mom was khwite proud of me fur doing so well on the route - after all, I hadn't ever walked it before but I got us home without her help!

We hope woo did something special to celebrate Earth Day!

Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone

Monday dinner time!

I see trouble - one is already playing to the khamera!


How Sam Sees It said...

Those farms are so pretty - I think I would always be walking that way.


Two French Bulldogs said...

Those babies are adorable. You chose a beautiful walk to take mom on. Those green fields are so pretty
Benny & Lily

Anonymous said...

Yea! PF babies! And Khyra, that was a great walkie you took Mom on...and you got to see some new wild goat dogs

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Beautiful scenery! Clearly an excellent walk, Khyra!

We had grey skies this morning and early afternoon but the sun has just come out so #1 and I are heading out!


Duke said...

How beautiful your pictures are today, Khyra, and especially the blue skies although our mom is VERY partial to the redbud trees!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

BeadedTail said...

It's very pretty in your neck of the woods but of khourse you're the prettiest Khyra! Mommy said that cars always make her nervous when she's walking babies (aka woofies) so that's why she went in the forest most the time since bikers and hikers are more considerate. Most of the time.

Donna said...

I took lots of naps to save energy.

White Dog Blog said...

We love your idea of special pollen marking to celebrate Earth Day! And the lovely walk was quite ambitious.