Auntie Di's Angel Sierra |
Auntie Di wanted to thank everyone for the wishes
Angel Sophie - Khyra shared Reufus's post about her on Sunday
This ChiaPom got to stay with the foster family
They adopted her right away - here she is missing her siblings
I was bummed when I started out just after 10am as it was raining already
These are only three of the three ZILLION support vehicles headed North on I81 - I also saw flatbeds with generators and other stuffs -
Jay waited in The Zen-terra whilst we gathered up their luggage and supplies
I used the football to distract his shark teeth!
PAWSylvania did welcome them with a break in the rain!
Even The Keebler Elves were relocating!
Nice color!
Yep, he was THAT khute!
On my way to Hagerstown I had noticed this field so I made sure to be ready on the way to Harrisburg
So cool!
The sky as we exited I81
The look whilst at the light - yep, THAT KHUTE!
Michael - now Eli - and Jay
Michael had gotten to be shotgun with Betsy from Harrisonburg VA to Hagerstown -
Bentley's FROOOOTBATS with Duke - these two will get to remain friends as their moms are friends!
Harrisburg - couldn't decide - so I've used all three
Khyra snoooooofing their messages!!!!!!
What a great day albeit with the unknown of what Sandy will be 'treating' us to in the coming days -
Here is
the link to the PHOTOBUCKET - lots of pics although most are of Shotgun Jay - and seven videos so you can see all the cuteness!
Another weekend that shows how RESCUES ROCK - and as you'll see in the videos, Jay even found a rescue ROCK - I thought about letting him take it with him BUT thought it would be cooler to keep it near the tree they all visit week after week!
If you are in the path of Sandy's visit to East Coast, we hope you stay safe and will come through without any adverse complications
I've got pictures of the happy families to share - hopefully HERE tomorrow - if Sandy teams up with the cable and electric companies, we may not be able to post as usual - but we'll get something up via the khrakhkberry!
Happy Monday EvFURRYone!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
P.S. Just as I finished this post, I saw Jay will now be called - ready Norwood, Tula, and Dexter??? BOSTON!