Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sunday Sharing

 Saturday 7:10am
 Saturday 7:15pm
Now previews of Mom's passengers AND one of Saturday's hitchhikers
 Annie - look at THOSE eyes!
 Dahlia - she was along fur some of Saturday's legs - she's Spottie Puppie - she's nine weeks old and deaf - how appropriate she was on board to khonkhlude DEAF DOG AWARENESS WEEK 
 Daniel - Anna's Sibling

Graham - he's the one Mom will be taking to meet his furever family!!!
Lydia - Mom says maybe she'll take her Slaid Cleaves CD along so she khan listen to the song that has been worming into her ears since she got the transport rekhwest - a special friend turned her onto Slaid almost eight years ago now - she says it still seems like yesterday sometimes - 

Khwite the khollekhtion of khuties with the usual sad tales of unhumankind - 

If woo would like to see more of these sweeties in advance of Monday MOMday, here is the link to Rotts N Pup's Facebook Page's Album!!!

Happy Sunday EvFURRYone!

Miss Khyra

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Saturday Khaturday Sharing

 What better way to share on Khaturday but a stroll down memory lane - to when I judged The KHAT Dog Group at Mango Minster 2010 - btw, I'm wearing a khustom design by  Moose Momma
 I intended to share this one on Thursday but Mango's leaving us needed to be pawed about - then someone's sekhretary furgot to inkhlude it on FrEYEday - this is Zora Annie with her khousin Nelson - he had been reskhued and adopted from RnP a few years ago!

 Watching fur the puppy khrop
 FrEYEday morning when Mom left fur The GKP

FrEYEday evening fur our walk - the furst one has flash; the latter does not -

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!

I'll be khounting down the naps until 6pm or so - I get Mom fur a day - well, part of day since she'll be on the road to Hagerstown Sunday - but all fur a good reason!

Previews of the passengers here tomorrow!

Miss Khyra

Friday, September 28, 2012

FrEYEday SkEYEday Free Fur All!

 One last pikh from The MERDIE!!! Froggeh Pond

 Now that Mango has khrossed, SUMMIT will be the next largest special fella in my life!  Now if we khould get his mummi to dust off the blog - just sayin'

Assorted scenes from all ovFUR!!!

Here is a link to the Columbus O HI O Peregrine's Blog - there is a khool video link from there of the PFs in akhtion - furry pawesome to see 'em up khlose and pawsonal!  It is also khwite nice to see their bonding is sekhure - as seems to be the Harrisburg pair - Mom says she rekhalls from talking to the humans monitoring the PF fledglings that one of the pair has ties to The RC PFs!

Happy FrEYEday EvFURRYone!

Miss Khyra

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thursday Thinking

 The last pikh Mango saw of my fluffy tail and pantyloons - I had my DOH send him this Tuesday afternoon  to cheer him - little did I realize the news we would wake up to Wednesday morning
 Fur those of woo that don't rekhall when I was judge for Best In Show fur Mango Minster 2009
 [Khyra: I'll admit, I was disappointed woo hadn't arranged for some.....MALE khompanionship fur me! A girl gets lonely and that furry big bed was sooooo skhreaming fur khompany...]

Oh Miss Khyra! I am blushing!

-actual khonversation between Mango and MFT-
 The shot I submitted fur this year's grand event - this was to advertise fur the prize I donated - he always loved my huzziness!!!
We even khreated this award fur Mango Momma - who is one furry khool chikhk!

My DOH and I are still pretty numb about the news - when we went to bed, little did we expekht to wake up to his Relentlessly Huge self having made the journey akhross The Rainbow Bridge - oh the grand pawty  that MUST be going on - so many of the DWB pals just have to be freakin' about the latest paws to khross the special bridge - 

Mom took one of her MANGO Chobani's to work on Wednesday - and smiled - 

I know most of you have already read about Mango's leaving us - but in khase woo haven't - or haven't been by to paw some words of support and khomfurt to Pea, The Master, and The DOH, please stop by here - we need to fill the furry large hole left at The Estate in Master Chew Sits - with love!

Miss Khyra Oh Yeah!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Walkin' and Wishin' Wednesday 2012

Happy Happy Happy MERDIE!!! Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nothin' says tasty like a TASTYK(h)ake!!!

Especially when they are BUTTERSKHOTCH flavoured - snikhker!

Here is the video of our PAWty - as woo will see, I khouldn't khontain my excitement at khatkhake!

Happy Birthday to my oldest and most special khousin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Wednesday EvFURRYone!


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday Telling

 Scenes from the last few nights of khamp

 Time fur the khampers to head home

 Khounselor Khyra has earned her snooooozing time!

 Heading to Camp Hill to see if Graham's pawtential humans were khanine worthy

We saw this one on the return trip - it wasn't really this dark yet but that is how the flashie beastie thought it should FLASH!!!  

The visit went furry well - sooooo on Sunday, The Zen-terra will deliver Graham to his HOME SWEET HOME - they are SO excited - they lost a furry beaWOOtiful khanine named Ellie in July - and their house is just so empty without the furry touch - she was a Border Collie-Newfie-Lab mix - Mom saw pikhs - I was too busy snoooooofing things - 

Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!
